Green, we\'re not all like that. Don\'t hate us all, but if you have to, that\'s ok. I\'ll just thank my friendly neighborhood Republican.
Originally posted by videoholic
We do care!! But we also care about a militant regime paying people to do suicide missions. We care about a regime who harbors known terrorist and terrorist camps. Not only camps, but factories where they produce deadly nerve agents. Do you really not care that known terrorist groups are making nerve agents? I just don\'t get where this could possibly someone\'s point of view.
Vid, The problem with prowar arguments like this one is that not everyone believes this stuff. War supporters keep repeating this like it\'s self evident, but there\'s been no hard evidence released yet. Atropine is not hard evidence. That stuff could have been left over from the chemical stockpiles Iraq had prior to the first Gulf War.
It could very well be that some or all of these claims are true, but we needed to PROVE IT IRREFUTABLY
before we plunged into this war. If we had done that, we wouldn\'t have the entire rest of the world hating us, and we probably would have easily obtained UN approval for the war. Just hearing Bush and Powell tell us "We know he has it. We can\'t tell you how we know, but we know. Trust us." is not good enough. It\'s not persuasive for a cynic like me, and it certainly does not persuade the rest of the planet who already find our culture and national personality somewhat offensive. We could have taken a moral high road in this deal, but instead we chose to be blow off the UN and insult those who have a reasonable opposition to this invasion.