An embarrassed White-House was quick to downplay the incident, claiming that this was just one of many \'contingency plans\', routinely explored by government agencies as part of their long-term strategy.
"In these precarious times," said a White House spokesman, "it pays to think ahead, and to consider every implication that changes in the world map might present us with. This is just one of many, many scenarios that we are exploring."
In response to international astonishment and outrage, President Bush called an emergency Press conference to make a formal statement.
"A president must president his country," said George W. Bush somberly. "I, that is, we, as a country, president, and commit ourself to presidenting in and out of this great country in the world. The world must be removed of evil. The evil-doers will lose their prevail to evil, and we will win."
A president must president his country. I, that is, we, as a country, president, and commit ourself to presidenting in and out of this great country in the world.
President George W. Bush, at an emergency press conference today
"It\'s not enough that we defeat that surrender, or defend ourselves to future attackers," he rambled on, "we must prevail ourselves to good, and president our democracy on world terrorism everywhere and beyond."
Bemused press photographers and news crews were lost for words for a moment before a reporter from the Washington Herald spoke up: "So can you say, categorically, that this flag will NOT replace our existing one?"
"Categorically and ... I will say this," responded President Bush, "It\'s very simple. We must not and can not, and will not, allow the freedom and great democracy nation of the Earth to defend ourselves from good. This great allied world nation of ours will defeat away from that evil wrongness."
His point made, Bush smiled victoriously to his glassy-eyed reception before being whisked away to his helicopter.