Originally posted by luckee
So what about the other 112 countries with leaders worse or similar to saddam?
Now that the WMD lie is out of the way, the last exuse is Saddam is a bad guy. I am slowly trying to chip away at this excuse. I\'m trying to prove that if they were so upset with what Saddam was doing that there is way more simpler, cheaper, and less costlier ways to getting rid of him then taking over the entire country and forcing the Western way of life on them.
About the chaos in Iraq...It just shows the Bush administration\'s war plan was rushed and flawed. Most of the rioters are probably Kurds, trashing Iraqi bussinesses or Terroring apart presidential palaces. You hear about the happy rioters cheering the U.S. on, but you dlon\'t hear about the shop owner who had his entire store vandalized and looted
Green Meanie...as you can see even though Saddam doesnt have WMDs they still think he is a threat to the world...by harboring terrorists...so, since Iraq Harbors a terrorist camp, war is justified on the entire country. Well go get the rest of the Middle Eastern countries that harbor terrorists.
mm...don\'t make this a mm vs psx2central thread