I\'m sorry, but you can never convince me that we should go to war on the notion that someone may be a threat to us. We disregarded the UN and went ahead and started a war, just because we "think" someone may have a "smoking gun". Give me a frickin\' break.
I think my neighbor may try to kill me eventually. I know he has a gun - I sold it to him. I guess, I could just go over there and kill him. I mean, after all, he may pose a threat with the weapons I sold him.
And give me a break on this free\'ing the Iraqi people. It is amazing that no one cared about the Iraqi people until this. They was just another poverty stricken country with a ruthless dicator. It wasn\'t on the agenda to free them, until we found out that we couldn\'t find a "smoking gun".
We have sent American soliders over to get killed. We have sent someone\'s son or daughter...Brother or sister to get killed in a war, that is being fought because we "think" there is a "smoking gun". Oh and to free those Iraqi people. Lord knows we should worry about free\'ing them, before we start worrying about what is going on over in our own country.