Originally posted by Living-In-Clip
And we already went over him being a threat to his own people. So what? Why do we have to play big brother? Call me seflish, but it makes me gag that we pay taxes to go free some other country.
Oh come on L-I-C... You had some valid points until this. Country boy? Lemme guess, you haven\'t even left the country, much less the state you live in? Well let me just put in my .02... I lived in southern Turkey for two years, and have a good taste of the Muslim world. Maybe it was just the location, and American influence, but the Turks loved Americans. You could exit the military installation, and walk amongst them, dine with them, even sit down and have a conversation with them. They welcomed our prescense, and really shattered my previous ethnocentric views I held for them previously.
Point is, you are selfish. Extremely selfish. It\'s not about you, and your country specifically, its about being a good citizen of the world. Don\'t forget that there is a much bigger world outside the one you\'re so closely associated with. It\'s easy to kick back and relax when you are so accustomed to your own comfortable environment. But if you actually saw what was out there, you\'d feel much more unified as a world citizen, rather than be binded to a specific country. Believe me, if your life was being made miserable under Saddam\'s regime, you would be more than willing to welcome America\'s objective of dethroning him.