Can you guys find an instance when a country was completely taken over and there wasn\'t chaos? It\'s been what, 3 or 4 days? Shit, you\'d probably only be happy if they had elected president and established local governments by now.
Personally I think the US got cought going too damn fast. They are sending in 1,200 people I think today to set up police rule in the cities. That along with the military shifting over to policing probably in the next day or so she cool it a lot.
They have already cracked down in a number of the cities and the looting dropped tremendously. Don\'t forget the media will take the best story and run with it. I heard interviews on the radio with doctors from some hospitals saying that the looting was speratic and that most of the hospitals are fine.
You just can\'t expect the sun to come out and everyone to sit on their front porch sniffing the new air. Shit is going to happen and control will come down soon.