Today is a great day of joy in the land. The worthless Lakers take a much needed vacation.

Let\'s face it, it was inevitable. The Lakers have been badly mismanaged lately. They have two championship-caliber players, and almost the entire rest of their team are SCRUBS. Two players do not make a championship team. The Spurs, Mavs and Kings have all been successful because they have a deep cast of qualified players.
Meanwhile, Phil Jackson puts Devean George, Jannero Pargo, Kareem Rush, Slava Medvedenko, and Mark Madsen on the floor. WTF? These guys are barely qualified to operate the equipment locker. They should NOT EVEN BE ON THE FLOOR in a playoff elimination game. The Spurs have Steve Kerr on their roster, and they don\'t even use him! If he were with the Lakers, he would probably be getting 18 minutes per game.
If I were a Laker fan, I would feel deeply cheated at the way the Lakers organization has been focusing on marketing, showboating, slam dunking, and overpaying Bryant and O\'Neill at the expense of building a viable, reliable TEAM for long term success. Who knows? Maybe after three consecutive championships, none of that matters anymore. What else is there to work toward? If I were a Laker fan I would have died of boredom long ago.