Originally posted by The Hurricane
West coast basketball fans are non-existant anyway, they just seem to pop up whenever the lakers are around. But it seems as if now that no west coast team is in it anymore, basketball now "sucks".
You\'re just taking a shot in the dark here... however I agree with regard to Laker fans and Warriors fans, two species I know all too well. Clipper fans are very rare freaks of nature, but MOST Sacramento fans are extremely rabid and loyal. Your claim doesn\'t hold for them, or Sonics / Blazers fans as far as I can tell.
WTF is wrong with it anyway? It\'s normal for a TRUE fan to get bored with the playoffs after their team is eliminated. There are two forces that drive my interest in the NBA. HATE and LOVE. Between these two, the stronger is hatred.

I watch the Suns because I love that team, and I continue watching the playoffs because I enjoy seeing teams I hate get eliminated. This has been a good year for that, and I hope it continues.