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Author Topic: Take Back Those Words....  (Read 1244 times)

Offline luckee
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Take Back Those Words....
« on: April 16, 2003, 10:55:55 AM »
Here is an email I thought I would share.....

Ever spoken and wished that you could take the words back...or that you

could crawl into a hole? Here are a few people who do....

I walked into a hair salon with my husband and three kids in tow and

loudly, "How much do you charge for a shampoo and a blow job?" I turned

around and walked back out and never went back. My husband didn\'t say a

word... he knew better.

Melinda Lowe, 39, Seguin, TX

An insurance man visited me at home to talk about our mortgage

He was throwing a lot of facts and figures at me, and I wanted to follow

best I could, so I told my 6-year-old son to run and get me a pad. He

back and handed me a Kotex right in front of our guest.

Kathy Newman, 46, Winston-Salem, NC

I was taking a shower when my 2-year-old son came into the bathroom and

wrapped himself in toilet paper. Although he made a mess, he looked

adorable, so I ran for my camera and took a few shots. They came out so

well that I had copies made and included one with each of our Christmas

cards. Days later, a relative called about the picture, laughing

hysterically, and suggesting I take a closer look. Puzzled, I stared at

photo and was shocked to discover that in addition to my son, I had

my reflection in the mirror - wearing nothing but a camera!

Name Withheld (go figure)

I was at the golf store comparing different kinds of golf balls. I was

unhappy with the women\'s type I had been using. After browsing for

minutes, I was approached by one of the good-looking gentlemen who works

the store. He asked if he could help me. Without thinking, I looked at

and said, "I think I like playing with men\'s balls."

Colleen Collins, 31, Ferndale, MI

Nuts about You

My sister and I were at the mall and passed by a store that sold a

of nuts. As we were looking at the display case, the boy behind the

asked if we needed any help. I replied, "No, I\'m just looking at your

My sister started to laugh hysterically, the boy grinned, and I turned

beet-red and walked away. To this day, my sister has never let me

Faye Emerick, 34, Ellerslie, MD

While in line at the bank one afternoon, my toddler decided to release

pent-up energy and ran amok. I was finally able to grab hold of her

receiving looks of disgust and annoyance from other patrons. I told her

if she did not start behaving "right now"she would be punished. To my

horror, she looked me in the eye and said in a voice just as

"If you don\'t let me go right now, I will tell Grandma that I saw you

kissing Daddy\'s pee-pee last night!" The silence was deafening after

enlightening exchange. Even the tellers stopped what they were doing. I

mustered up the last of my dignity and walked out of the bank with my

daughter in tow. The last thing I heard when the door closed behind me

screams of laughter.

Amy Richardson,Stafford, Virginia

A lady picked up several items at a discount store. When she finally got

to the checker, she learned that one of her items had no price tag.

her embarrassment when the checker got on the intercom and boomed out


That was bad enough, but somebody at the rear of the store apparently

misunderstood the word "Tampax" for "THUMBTACKS." In a business-like
tone, a

voice boomed back over the intercom. "DO YOU WANT THE KIND YOU PUSH IN


Diane E. Amov

Have you ever asked your child a question too many times? My

son had a lot of problems with potty training and I was on him

One day we stopped at Taco Bell for a quick lunch in between errands. It

very busy, with a full dining room. While enjoying my taco, I smelled

something funny, so of course I checked my seven-month-old daughter, and

she was clean. Then I realized that Danny had not asked to go potty in a

while, so I asked him if he needed to go, and he said "No." I kept

"Oh Lord, that child has had an accident, and I don\'t have any clothes

me." Then I said, "Danny, are you SURE you didn\'t have an accident?"

he replied. I just KNEW that he must have had an accident, because the

was getting worse. Soooooo! I asked one more time,

"Danny, did you have an accident?" This time he jumped up, yanked down

pants, bent over and spread his cheeks and yelled. "SEE MOM, IT\'S JUST

FARTS!!" While 30 people nearly choked to death on their tacos laughing!

He calmly pulled up his pants and sat down. An old couple made me feel

better by thanking me for the best laugh they\'d ever had!

This had most of the state of Michigan laughing for 2 days and a very

embarrassed female news anchor who will, in the future, likely think

she speaks.

What happens when you predict snow but don\'t get any....a true

had a female news anchor who, the day after it was supposed to have

and didn\'t, turned to the weatherman and asked: "So Bob, where\'s that 8

inches you promised me last night?" Not only did HE have to leave the

but half the crew did too they were laughing so hard!
\"Booze, broads, and bullshit. If you got all that, what else do you need?\"-Harry Caray

Don\'t cry over spilled milk., It could have been Whiskey.-Me

A free people ought not only to be armed and disciplined, but they should have sufficient arms and ammunition to maintain a status of independence from any who might attempt to abuse them, which would include their own government.-George Washington

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Take Back Those Words....
« Reply #1 on: April 16, 2003, 11:29:36 AM »
got bored after the first few.

funny stuff thou. :)
  Ǧµî✟å® Ĵµñķîë!!  

Offline Tyrant
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Take Back Those Words....
« Reply #2 on: April 16, 2003, 12:15:57 PM »
some were pretty good, others just got a chuckle out of me.

While in line at the bank one afternoon, my toddler decided to release

pent-up energy and ran amok. I was finally able to grab hold of her

receiving looks of disgust and annoyance from other patrons. I told her

if she did not start behaving "right now"she would be punished. To my

horror, she looked me in the eye and said in a voice just as

"If you don\'t let me go right now, I will tell Grandma that I saw you

kissing Daddy\'s pee-pee last night!" The silence was deafening after

enlightening exchange. Even the tellers stopped what they were doing. I

mustered up the last of my dignity and walked out of the bank with my

daughter in tow. The last thing I heard when the door closed behind me
screams of laughter.
Amy Richardson,Stafford, Virginia

i cant even count the number of times that i\'ve read/heard this, still kinda funny tho.

[size=1.5]It is a mistake to try to look too far ahead. The chain of destiny can only be grasped one link at a time.~Sir Winston Churchill[/size]
Bahrains ultimate vehicle showroom,  CV8=ownage, Bahrain F1, Bahraini cars, GulfGt.

Offline Kurt Angle

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Take Back Those Words....
« Reply #3 on: April 16, 2003, 02:30:24 PM »
You can always count on kids to humiliate an embarass people in public.

Offline theomen
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Take Back Those Words....
« Reply #4 on: April 16, 2003, 03:03:10 PM »
so Bob, where\'s that 8 inches you promised me last night?

that is hilarious!

I made a couple of faux pax\'s this weekend in Reno, with the drink girls, luckily they found me so sexy that I didn\'t feel imberrased

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Take Back Those Words....
« Reply #5 on: April 16, 2003, 03:18:22 PM »
They were ok.... Nothing special though.

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Take Back Those Words....
« Reply #6 on: April 16, 2003, 03:41:26 PM »

I thought they were good stuff.

Thanks luckee; my favorite;
While in line at the bank one afternoon, my toddler decided to release

pent-up energy and ran amok. I was finally able to grab hold of her

receiving looks of disgust and annoyance from other patrons. I told her

if she did not start behaving "right now"she would be punished. To my

horror, she looked me in the eye and said in a voice just as

"If you don\'t let me go right now, I will tell Grandma that I saw yo
kissing Daddy\'s pee-pee last night!" The silence was deafening after
enlightening exchange. Even the tellers stopped what they were doing. I
mustered up the last of my dignity and walked out of the bank with my
daughter in tow. The last thing I heard when the door closed behind me
screams of laughter.

Think for yourself. Question authority.

Offline The Stapler
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Re: Take Back Those Words....
« Reply #7 on: April 16, 2003, 04:31:07 PM »
Originally posted by luckee

I was at the golf store comparing different kinds of golf balls. I was

unhappy with the women\'s type I had been using. After browsing for

minutes, I was approached by one of the good-looking gentlemen who works

the store. He asked if he could help me. Without thinking, I looked at

and said, "I think I like playing with men\'s balls."

Vapor Snake, 16, Las Vegas, NV

:eek: :laughing:

Offline Titan

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Take Back Those Words....
« Reply #8 on: April 16, 2003, 04:56:46 PM »
I knew Vapor enjoyed playing with mens balls. Nothing new :p
Liquid Spam of The Spaminators
"That took some balls to stick a gun in his pants." -Gman
"LOL u know id fuck yu wsboth right? i would love to fuck the both of uyouy

U R FUCJKGIN FCUTE" -THX to luke and Bob

"13 year old girls sleep with older men cause they think theyre in love
13 year old boys sleep with older women cause theyd be stupid not to

Offline Samwise
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Take Back Those Words....
« Reply #9 on: April 17, 2003, 01:24:46 AM »
Lol, funny stuff. :D
(thanks Chizzy!)

Offline Cyrus
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Take Back Those Words....
« Reply #10 on: April 17, 2003, 08:13:48 AM »
heres mine:

when I was about 15 i was working for a fast food place in a questionable part of town at the time my mom was married lets sat to a much younger man who had a 4 year old daughter I was babysiting one night and took her with me to pick up a paycheck we were sitting and the little barlike counter when two black men came in (probably gangstas) she looked over at me and said in a very loud voice "Those are niggers arent they!" OH MY GOD I was soo embaresed I am by no mean a racist and wouldnt even ever use that word and they both looked at me like I was here dad.... Im pretty sure if the lobby wasnt full of people I wouldnt be typing this today...
When did I realize I was God? One day I was praying and suddenly realized I was talking to myself.[/font]

Offline ben_high
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Take Back Those Words....
« Reply #11 on: April 18, 2003, 06:31:59 AM »
True story.Me and my g/f stopped at the gas station to get a plug put in a tire that had a slow leak.My g/f walks right in,looks the guy right in the face and says "Can you help me?I\'ve got a hole I need filled."

Me,another patron and the dude behind the counter just busted up laughing while she immidiatlly turned around and walked out.She was pretty mad at me since "you were laughing at me the most".  :-)
I swear this post is not spam!!!!Listen,if this post was spam,would I do this? [spreads mayonaise over bread]

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Take Back Those Words....
« Reply #12 on: April 18, 2003, 03:32:58 PM »
I guess I should contribute ;

I was visiting my stepdad in Montana last summer and me and my little brother were at the local Dairy Queen getting some icecream. He is about 11 years old. In walk these mexican people and he yells something about dirty mexicans. :laughing: I have nothing against them. They look at us and start talking, and look at him and he says "Call the border patrol". :laughing: My brother needs to watch his mouth. He carries it off alot. I apologized to them and they accepted and laughed even.
Think for yourself. Question authority.

Offline Titan

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Take Back Those Words....
« Reply #13 on: April 18, 2003, 04:37:46 PM »
Originally posted by Cyrus
heres mine:

when I was about 15 i was working for a fast food place in a questionable part of town at the time my mom was married lets sat to a much younger man who had a 4 year old daughter I was babysiting one night and took her with me to pick up a paycheck we were sitting and the little barlike counter when two black men came in (probably gangstas) she looked over at me and said in a very loud voice "Those are niggers arent they!" OH MY GOD I was soo embaresed I am by no mean a racist and wouldnt even ever use that word and they both looked at me like I was here dad.... Im pretty sure if the lobby wasnt full of people I wouldnt be typing this today...

There is this thing called a period. You might want to use that at the end of each sentence.

Mine: I was in the hallway one day with my friends. My old french teacher (who got fired thank god) walked by. My friend gave her the finger. I noticed, laughed, and said "tell me next time she walks by so I could finger her" (meaning to flick her off). They knew what I meant but it definitely sounded wrong and they laughed so much. I flicked her off the next time she walked by and didn\'t make the same mistake again, lol. Theres plenty more and I\'ll post them when I remember.
Liquid Spam of The Spaminators
"That took some balls to stick a gun in his pants." -Gman
"LOL u know id fuck yu wsboth right? i would love to fuck the both of uyouy

U R FUCJKGIN FCUTE" -THX to luke and Bob

"13 year old girls sleep with older men cause they think theyre in love
13 year old boys sleep with older women cause theyd be stupid not to

Offline Titan

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Take Back Those Words....
« Reply #14 on: April 18, 2003, 04:43:41 PM »
I just remembered another one. It was right after a lacrosse game. We just got off the field and moving to our equipment off and stuff. We were right behind this really hot girl and her boyfriend. My friend says "I will pay you five bucks to poke her in the ass" pretty loud. We were pretty close to her. She turns around and so does her boyfriend and they were like "what?". We laughed about it for a couple days. The next day, we were at the table and he said something like "are you talking about the ugly girls behind me?" loud. He\'s a weird kid but he\'s funny.
Liquid Spam of The Spaminators
"That took some balls to stick a gun in his pants." -Gman
"LOL u know id fuck yu wsboth right? i would love to fuck the both of uyouy

U R FUCJKGIN FCUTE" -THX to luke and Bob

"13 year old girls sleep with older men cause they think theyre in love
13 year old boys sleep with older women cause theyd be stupid not to


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