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Author Topic: The Gay Discussion (Spudz, Core and Shox, make yourself at home)  (Read 8451 times)

Offline theomen
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Seeing as though my "things you hate" topic started going this way, might as well finish the argument in here.

Offline theomen
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The Gay Discussion (Spudz, Core and Shox, make yourself at home)
« Reply #1 on: April 24, 2003, 11:18:58 PM »
here\'s what spurred the discussion

I hate Gay people- Its not normal. Their is no OTHER species in the world that even considers being gay, or even gay. Its ****ing retarded, if God meant us to be gay, everything would have a penis.


Offline Soul Reaver
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The Gay Discussion (Spudz, Core and Shox, make yourself at home)
« Reply #2 on: April 24, 2003, 11:26:54 PM »
Maybe he hates gay people \'cause his gay himself? Just like that guy from South Park.

theomen: Trying to higher your post count, huh?

Offline mjps21983
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The Gay Discussion (Spudz, Core and Shox, make yourself at home)
« Reply #3 on: April 24, 2003, 11:54:59 PM »
Gays aren\'t wrong although you wouldn\'t catch me doing it, the only time it disgusts me is when they start doing shit in public get a room, they only want attention. And don\'t try to hit on me damnit, and don\'t act like you aren\'t gay and then right when you step out of high school become gay all of a sudden.

Offline theomen
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The Gay Discussion (Spudz, Core and Shox, make yourself at home)
« Reply #4 on: April 24, 2003, 11:56:18 PM »
I always kinda like it when I get hit on by gay guys.  Let\'s me know how dead sexy I am :D

Offline Soul Reaver
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The Gay Discussion (Spudz, Core and Shox, make yourself at home)
« Reply #5 on: April 25, 2003, 12:01:01 AM »
Originally posted by mjps21983
Gays aren\'t wrong although you wouldn\'t catch me doing it, the only time it disgusts me is when they start doing shit in public get a room, they only want attention. And don\'t try to hit on me damnit, and don\'t act like you aren\'t gay and then right when you step out of high school become gay all of a sudden.

This pretty much sums up what I think.

Offline ##RaCeR##
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The Gay Discussion (Spudz, Core and Shox, make yourself at home)
« Reply #6 on: April 25, 2003, 12:32:15 AM »
Don\'t get me started on this subject. Im not gay, but the topic is pretty close to my heart. Being a Christian, and having a best friend who is gay, I kinda see both sides of the arguement.

God not wanting people to be gay - I do not believe this is the case. Because of sin, things happen that shouldn\'t. Does God create people with cancer? Does God create people with tumours and defects? Does God create people without arms and legs? No, he doesn\'t. I believe that because of sin, things that shouldn\'t happen, happen. Its not politically correct, but I could go as far as to say that being gay is a \'defect\'. Its something that was NOT intended to happen, but has. Almost like mutation of cells. Its not been proven YET, but I believe it will be soon scientifically. Its like being born Asian, or African American, did you ask to be born that way? No, its just a part of you you can\'t change.

I mean, do you really think someone would \'choose\' to be gay? Why would they \'choose\' to be like that? They can\'t have kids, they get descriminated left right and centre and wouldn\'t be able to be sexually fullfilled (if your not really gay, then why wouldn\'t you enjoy sex with a women)? It just doesn\'t make sense, I don\'t understand why anyone would \'choose\' to be like that if they really weren\'t (not saying theres anything wrong with being like that).

Offline ooseven
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The Gay Discussion (Spudz, Core and Shox, make yourself at home)
« Reply #7 on: April 25, 2003, 12:33:58 AM »
Originally posted by ##RaCeR##
Don\'t get me started on this subject. Im not gay

ha... :laughing:

ha..ha :laughing:



/me passes out due to extreme laughter.
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Offline JBean
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The Gay Discussion (Spudz, Core and Shox, make yourself at home)
« Reply #8 on: April 25, 2003, 05:05:37 AM »
Originally posted by mjps21983
...and don\'t act like you aren\'t gay and then right when you step out of high school become gay all of a sudden.

I personally think that being gay is wrong as men and women were put on this earth to procreate...it makes sense.  I agree with racer that homosexuality is a \'defect\', as a close friend of mine recently came out.  And he\'s a senior in high school but nobody he goes to school with knows that he\'s gay.  Do you know how mean and cruel high school kids can be?  I don\'t blame anybody for hiding the fact they are gay during high school.

The world after you graduate high school is so different.  All the popular kids almost lose their identity in the real world, also allowing the \'dorks\' a fresh start with nobody to make fun of them.  The real world, as mean and cruel as it can be is still not half as bad as immature high schoolers.  I\'ve always felt that if there is something like homosexuality that makes you angry and hateful, that there is something deep inside that person that they are trying to hide.  

I\'m sure as hell not down with thinking being gay is the right way to live your life, but that sure dosen\'t make me hate those who do.

Offline Bobs_Hardware

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The Gay Discussion (Spudz, Core and Shox, make yourself at home)
« Reply #9 on: April 25, 2003, 05:17:06 AM »
I hate Gay people- Its not normal. Their is no OTHER species in the world that even considers being gay, or even gay. Its ****ing retarded, if God meant us to be gay, everything would have a penis.

First of all, MANY other species in the world have homosexuality present.  Humans as a species don\'t even have the highest rate of homosexuality.

After that, I wouldn\'t call it a defect (although, possibly it could be), rather something that is caused by the environment you live in.

For example (and I may have used this before in one of the many other \'gay\' threads), thousands of years ago there was a city (it\'s name escapes me) where every man had an underage (by today\'s standards) male companion to sleep with.  Is this the result of massive defects throughout the entire city, or just of a culture which had grown to accept and expect it.  It\'s environmental.  What you watch on TV, what you see at the movies, who your friends are, who your family are etc. etc. all ties into who YOU become, and this extends to sexuality.

If it\'s a defect, why is it a defect in a minority with a steadily increasing population?  If it\'s a defect, why is it that statistically 80% of all women have bisexual tendencies/fantasies/what have you.  Wouldn\'t that in fact make the straight women with no lesbian tendencies the \'defected\' ones, for being in the minority?

Blah blah blah, I think I made my point.  :)

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The Gay Discussion (Spudz, Core and Shox, make yourself at home)
« Reply #10 on: April 25, 2003, 05:22:50 AM »
personally, i think homophobes are worse than homosexuals themselves

at least they are confortable and secure with who they are
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The Gay Discussion (Spudz, Core and Shox, make yourself at home)
« Reply #11 on: April 25, 2003, 05:33:16 AM »
I like gay people... they\'re funny. And just imagine what the fashion industry would be without them. Also we\'d all be sitting on milk crates in rooms with old blankets for curtains if it weren\'t for those talented homo decorators. I know that I only like chicks, so I don\'t feel threatened by gay dudes. Besides, I can\'t ever imagine the porn situation without lesbianism

/me shudders....
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The Gay Discussion (Spudz, Core and Shox, make yourself at home)
« Reply #12 on: April 25, 2003, 05:39:14 AM »
I think women are the forgotten \'gays\' when it comes to these discussions..

Offline SwifDi
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The Gay Discussion (Spudz, Core and Shox, make yourself at home)
« Reply #13 on: April 25, 2003, 05:49:29 AM »

I have no problem with it, but I do look down upon it slightly.

Offline Bobs_Hardware

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The Gay Discussion (Spudz, Core and Shox, make yourself at home)
« Reply #14 on: April 25, 2003, 05:52:00 AM »
Originally posted by Vapor Snake
I have no problem with it, but I do look down upon it slightly.

Isn\'t that a contradiction?


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