About gays being more likely to have STD\'s - on a percentage, yes, and thats only because STD\'s are normally passed via semen, and considering you have two parties with semen instead of one, then that is just logical.
Spudz, I respect your opinion, and your intitled to it, but the things you say just aren\'t logical. I am a Christian, but I am not religious. Relgion keeps you bound, and I believe Jesus was sent to earth to set people free. What religion are you anyway?
Sex is NOT only to reproduce, its clear that God created man with a sex drive so they WOULD have sex lots, so they would populate the world. He hasn\'t taken that drive away now because the world is over-populated. See, logic.
I also believe that gay men are classed in the Bible as Eunuchs, people who are infertile or that dont have an attraction to women.