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Author Topic: The Gay Discussion (Spudz, Core and Shox, make yourself at home)  (Read 8458 times)

Offline Jumpman

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The Gay Discussion (Spudz, Core and Shox, make yourself at home)
« Reply #60 on: April 26, 2003, 11:25:10 AM »
You jumped to the conclusion that I was talking to you.
Who is this anamoly we call Jumpman? How is he able to do what he does and still survive after years of torment? It seems he feeds on the hate, growing with an intense passion to put unassuming members in their place.

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The Gay Discussion (Spudz, Core and Shox, make yourself at home)
« Reply #61 on: April 26, 2003, 11:34:45 AM »
Originally posted by Spudz

[size=10]THAN WHY AM I GETTING THIS CRAP? IT IS MY OPINION[/size] Im sure their are people her who have the same thoughts as me, just not wanting, or already have been stated opinions.

Mods, Admins, I suggest you close this thread, not because It seems like i may be losing, or they might be losing in this discussions. its because i dont want to be held responsible for any actions taken throughout my posts. Im sure i have build up an amount of disgust in my opinions, I find that rather disgusting for you to tolerate someones, but because someone doesnt tolerate another persons opinions.

Im out of this thread. Post whatever you want, but my chances of reading, or even post in here are slim. PM if you wish to talk.

Even add me to AIM if you wish to further talk about this. Lateralus99801

I hope that I havent offended any of you.

You are getting crap because you started this discussion, and argued your points in it.  I\'m not angry at you, and not taking offense, but if you argue something I disagree with, I\'ll argue back.  That\'s just the way it works.  Don\'t ask for the thread to be closed because you don\'t want to take responsibility for what you posted.  If you don\'t wanna take responsibility, don\'t post it.  Post what you are willing to see the reactions to.

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The Gay Discussion (Spudz, Core and Shox, make yourself at home)
« Reply #62 on: April 26, 2003, 11:54:53 AM »
Originally posted by Spudz
Another point; in highschool in AMERICA, not the UK, they dont support sex in any form, fashion, or likelyhood. But somehow the fags get away with this. Their is some Gay/Straight Alliance thing going on, that pisses me off. They can support gay sex, but not normal sex? What the hell? If they are being so repressed, then why dont they just be normal.

What part of the US are you from? Casual sex altogether is frowned upon because of diseases and whatnot. Gay or straight, it is still the same.

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The Gay Discussion (Spudz, Core and Shox, make yourself at home)
« Reply #63 on: April 26, 2003, 12:21:25 PM »
I live in Alaska. One of the highest states with Teen pregnancys, stds, under age drinking, and smoking. I know what Im talking about because i live here.

Gay people are more likely to have STD\'s though.
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Offline Bobs_Hardware

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The Gay Discussion (Spudz, Core and Shox, make yourself at home)
« Reply #64 on: April 26, 2003, 04:03:07 PM »
Originally posted by Spudz
Okay: Now, someone said their is another species that is homosexual. Prove it.

Not just another species, but many.

A quick Google search will bring up dozens of sites on the matter immediately.

About Lesbians: This Im really skeptical on too. Its hard to say I support it while I dont for gay guys. Im neutral.

That\'s still a double standard, and seems like you\'re trying to save face.  Let me ask you this, do you have any lesbian pornograpy?

Both are \'unnatural\' and \'immoral\', you shouldn\'t have preference to one kind over another.


Just as a member of the KKK has their opinion.  And yes, that\'s a relevant comparison.  Hate is hate, and you\'ll get crap for it, particularly amng many people that have accepted it.  Conversly though, in many groups, homosxual \'sympathizers\' will get crap for it, so your time will come. ;)

Gay people are more likely to have STD\'s though.

Statistically, that\'s a very odd revelation.  Perhaps it\'s possible that on a percentage level it\'s true, the actual number of homosexuals with an STD would be far below that of heterosexuals, though.  At least, common sense suggests it.  Do you have links?
« Last Edit: April 26, 2003, 04:14:09 PM by Bobs_Hardware »

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The Gay Discussion (Spudz, Core and Shox, make yourself at home)
« Reply #65 on: April 26, 2003, 04:09:02 PM »
Originally posted by mjps21983
Gays aren\'t wrong although you wouldn\'t catch me doing it, the only time it disgusts me is when they start doing shit in public get a room, they only want attention. And don\'t try to hit on me damnit, and don\'t act like you aren\'t gay and then right when you step out of high school become gay all of a sudden.

Doing shit in public??? WTF?? You dont PDA??? I doubt that.

You could also get a room, but Im sure at times you often opt to not.

Do you only want attention? How many gay men do you know to know thats what they all want? Generalizations are fun no?

Don\'t try to hit on you?? As opposed to you possibly hitting on a lesbian woman? How the hell would they know if you are gay or not unless they hit on you?

Often ppl do that is b/c of ppl just like yourself. Scared to come out of the closet in HS b/c most are so judgemental. Once HS is over, most have no worries.
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The Gay Discussion (Spudz, Core and Shox, make yourself at home)
« Reply #66 on: April 26, 2003, 08:37:46 PM »
About gays being more likely to have STD\'s - on a percentage, yes, and thats only because STD\'s are normally passed via semen, and considering you have two parties with semen instead of one, then that is just logical.

Spudz, I respect your opinion, and your intitled to it, but the things you say just aren\'t logical. I am a Christian, but I am not religious. Relgion keeps you bound, and I believe Jesus was sent to earth to set people free. What religion are you anyway?

Sex is NOT only to reproduce, its clear that God created man with a sex drive so they WOULD have sex lots, so they would populate the world. He hasn\'t taken that drive away now because the world is over-populated. See, logic.

I also believe that gay men are classed in the Bible as Eunuchs, people who are infertile or that dont have an attraction to women.

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The Gay Discussion (Spudz, Core and Shox, make yourself at home)
« Reply #67 on: April 26, 2003, 10:26:57 PM »
Ummm, gayness is wrong cause IM ****ING DRUNKR RHIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!!  lmao i need boobiesss!!! ecxucse this post cause im drunk woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo  sorry in advance rofl before i become sober again cdamn i spelt that all right!!!

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The Gay Discussion (Spudz, Core and Shox, make yourself at home)
« Reply #68 on: April 26, 2003, 11:01:26 PM »
and thats only because STD\'s are normally passed via semen, and considering you have two parties with semen instead of one, then that is just logical.

how the hell can you say this crap, and put the word "logical" in there?
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The Gay Discussion (Spudz, Core and Shox, make yourself at home)
« Reply #69 on: April 26, 2003, 11:37:26 PM »
What religion are you anyway?

I am Christian, or Catholic, not sure which. But I dont practice it, My family does and I respect that, and go with them occasionally (Christmas, Easter etc.)

The reason I think its mostly bull- where is Jesus now? Answer that with out saying some bullshit like "He is on vacation", or "We have been commiting sins".

Strike me dead with lightning before I honestly believe in it.

BTW: mm, whos side? If any are you supporting? I find it to comprehend, :laughing:
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The Gay Discussion (Spudz, Core and Shox, make yourself at home)
« Reply #70 on: April 26, 2003, 11:45:13 PM »
Here\'s what I think. I believe being gay is wrong, I look down on gay people. I don\'t like gay men, especially flamboyant ones, but I tolerate them. I prefer that they act as a normal person would, but I won\'t do anything about them talking in gay voices, or being with their partner in public. I may leave in disgust, but I wouldn\'t approach them. I also wouldn\'t hesitate to punch a gay man in the face for the same thing I would punch a straight man in the face for, nor would I verbally or physically abuse a gay person just because they\'re gay.

Now lesbians, they just turn me on. I, like I\'m sure most of you do, love lesbian porn. It\'s women two fold, what\'s not to like?

I don\'t care if that\'s a double standard, thats how it is, and those are my views.
\"Everyone\'s entitled to their own opinions, but opinions based on false logic are not worth hearing.\"

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The Gay Discussion (Spudz, Core and Shox, make yourself at home)
« Reply #71 on: April 26, 2003, 11:56:35 PM »
Firstly, r4nd0m, your a ****wit.

Originally posted by mm

how the hell can you say this crap, and put the word "logical" in there?

mm, do i have to spell it out for you? Unless a man a going down on a women who has a period, its pretty hard to contract a fluid-type STD like Aids from a women (from memory, Aids does not spread from vaginal fluids, only blood and semen). It is however, very easy to contract from semen, and considering most gays would practice both oral and anal sex together, then the risk would be higher, wouldn\'t it? If a women had Aids, then the only way she could spread it would be from her blood?

maybe im wrong but thats the way i thought it worked.

Spudz, Jesus is not on holidays, remember we turned him away from us, not the other way around. we were the ones that sinned and we were the ones that killed him.

Christian or Catholic, not quite sure. thats funny. either your something, or your nothing.

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The Gay Discussion (Spudz, Core and Shox, make yourself at home)
« Reply #72 on: April 27, 2003, 12:45:22 AM »
they must have a different health information system in AU
it\'s scary the amount of misinformation thats out there
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The Gay Discussion (Spudz, Core and Shox, make yourself at home)
« Reply #73 on: April 27, 2003, 01:02:47 AM »
Lol @ Spudz for trying to get the thread closed.

People are just arguing here, it\'s not exactly out of hand. I see no reason for it not to continue. :)

/me sings HATE SPUDZ, HE\'S A SINNER!!!!!1111111111111111 ;)
(thanks Chizzy!)

Offline Jumpman

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The Gay Discussion (Spudz, Core and Shox, make yourself at home)
« Reply #74 on: April 27, 2003, 02:23:30 AM »
Looks like I\'ll have to quote myself for someone to answer or acknowledge this question.

Originally posted by Jumpman
Isn\'t bashing anti-gay people a double standard itself?
Who is this anamoly we call Jumpman? How is he able to do what he does and still survive after years of torment? It seems he feeds on the hate, growing with an intense passion to put unassuming members in their place.


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