It\'s not official but all clues confirm it. The latest humiliation of Ferguson to Beckham in the Real match has begun to get beackam sick. Many newspapers confirm that there\'s some kinda contract for beckham. Even his attitude at the end of the match in front of his public seemed to be the goodbye.
Beckham exchanged the t-shirt at the end of the match with Zidane, and he said: C ya very soon. At the same time, Beckham ordered to his trust man to boy a complete RM equipment to his son.
Furthermore, Perez has declared that the next season an english player will play in the white team. But didn\'t say which one. Bets in England say that Beckham will abandon Manchester at the end of this season... destiny?
Sporting de Lisboa has admitted to have an offer from Manchester for Quaresma, a player that plays in the same natural position that Beckham...
I dunno, but with the arriving of this player, RM won\'t be a team, it will be the WORLD TEAM. Del Bosque and the players have admitted that they\'d be pleased with Beckham in the team... RAUL, CASILLAS, FIGO, ZIDANE, RONALDO, ROBERTO CARLOS, BECKHAM... incredible.
What do u think? You english think that Beckham is leaving Manchester U?