Saw it today too.. SPOILERS AHEAD
Phoenix will be in part3, that\'s what a little someone turns into at the end for the knobs that don\'t watch or know the series

Wolverine kicks heaps of ass in this. Can\'t believe the amount of stabbings that go on.
Iceman (bobby) uses he\'s powers more. Although he is to young,
like rouge.
Pyro has a mental attack and does a nice little flaming job on some cops, after something happens to wolverine, i\'ll let you see that for youselfs.

Gambit is NOT in this movie, hopefully part 3.
Colossus is in it here and there. Best of him is at the start. Yuriko is meant to be wolverines x-gf in the series... As far as i remember.. Not in this flick..
Anyway, it\'s alot better then the first. Go see it.