Seeing as though there\'s alot of hate flowing in the forums, it\'s time to bring the love.
Stuff I love;
Massaction by Metrx, I love this stuff. It\'s the next best thing to anabolic assistance.
Dryers Fat Free White Chocolate and Rasberry Frozen Yogurt. This is a life saver during my cutting phase, being able to eat some ice cream prevents me from going into rages and killing people.
Tv shows that are politically incorrect. South Park, Tough Crowd, Daily Show etc...
Chicken Breast. One of the easiest palets to create a culinary masterpiece on, and Healthy too!
The many great movies coming out, Matrix Reloaded, X2, Hulk (might be good)
My Kings!!!
Don\'t forget the Niners!
And to a lesser extent, The Giants and Athletics
Shakira, Avril Lavigne, Beyonce, Liz Hurley, and Gwen Steffani
And most of all, each and every one of you