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Author Topic: Whites-Only Prom? Yikes  (Read 2189 times)

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Whites-Only Prom? Yikes
« Reply #30 on: May 08, 2003, 01:49:23 PM »
I like where I live. There isn\'t a problem with racism. We play sports together and even date other races. I like it that way. It sickens me that this still happens.
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Offline GigaShadow
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Whites-Only Prom? Yikes
« Reply #31 on: May 08, 2003, 06:10:53 PM »
#1.  Clowd isn\'t a Southerner.
#2.  It wasn\'t a school sponsored event - it was a private gathering held off of school property.  It is not against the law.  

Like I said, if it was an all black prom (I wouldn\'t even call it a prom, rather a party) - the media wouldn\'t have said a word.

Nicon, stop confusing pride for ones heritage with white power.  I am not a native southerner and all of my ancestors fought (and some died) for the north and most of the confederate flag waiving rednecks are no more racist than your typical blue collar white man from up north.  The Confederate flag for most Southerners is not a symbol of racism.  Yes, some hate groups use the symbol, but please stop comparing it to a damn swastika.  Let them be proud of the ancestors and heritage, hell, the federal government made the whole month of February a time for blacks to celebrate their history.    

Also Nicon, there are large significant cities in the south, Atlanta being the the biggest one that comes to mind.  New Orleans, Charlotte, Dallas...
\"The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; the inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries.\"  - Churchill
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Offline Lord Nicon
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Whites-Only Prom? Yikes
« Reply #32 on: May 08, 2003, 07:48:56 PM »
Originally posted by GigaShadow
#1.  Clowd isn\'t a Southerner.
#2.  It wasn\'t a school sponsored event - it was a private gathering held off of school property.  It is not against the law.  

Like I said, if it was an all black prom (I wouldn\'t even call it a prom, rather a party) - the media wouldn\'t have said a word.

Nicon, stop confusing pride for ones heritage with white power.  I am not a native southerner and all of my ancestors fought (and some died) for the north and most of the confederate flag waiving rednecks are no more racist than your typical blue collar white man from up north.  The Confederate flag for most Southerners is not a symbol of racism.  Yes, some hate groups use the symbol, but please stop comparing it to a damn swastika.  Let them be proud of the ancestors and heritage, hell, the federal government made the whole month of February a time for blacks to celebrate their history.    

Also Nicon, there are large significant cities in the south, Atlanta being the the biggest one that comes to mind.  New Orleans, Charlotte, Dallas...

Dude. Chill the F*** out. I was messing around. And why call a black prom a party? And what does the conferderate flag stand for? I never mistook it for a swastika. And what are they being proud for? Its not as if they did anything wonderful. And yes the government gave blacks a month, but does anybody but blacks really care? No. And when some white power groups use such things as the confederate flag it stains it and people can easily mistake a peaceful white man as a racist. Is it my fault that that i can walk into a store and be followed around cause im black? No, im more proper at times the half the white american population. Bad people give good people bad reps.

And when reffering to those "red necks" i was speaking about those that are racist and have SS tatoos on their necks etc. Modern blacks were essencially created from racist whites\' ingnorance. Not saying all of them where.
« Last Edit: May 08, 2003, 07:51:43 PM by Lord Nicon »
Originally posted by ##RaCeR##
I don\'t have comprehension issues, you just need to learn how to communicate.
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Whites-Only Prom? Yikes
« Reply #33 on: May 09, 2003, 04:40:37 AM »
Originally posted by Lord Nicon

Dude. Chill the F*** out. I was messing around. And why call a black prom a party? And what does the conferderate flag stand for? I never mistook it for a swastika. And what are they being proud for? Its not as if they did anything wonderful. And yes the government gave blacks a month, but does anybody but blacks really care? No. And when some white power groups use such things as the confederate flag it stains it and people can easily mistake a peaceful white man as a racist. Is it my fault that that i can walk into a store and be followed around cause im black? No, im more proper at times the half the white american population. Bad people give good people bad reps.

And when reffering to those "red necks" i was speaking about those that are racist and have SS tatoos on their necks etc. Modern blacks were essencially created from racist whites\' ingnorance. Not saying all of them where.

I was referring to the white prom as a party and I would call someone with SS tattoos a skinhead before a redneck, though both are equally as dumb ;)
\"The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; the inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries.\"  - Churchill
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Whites-Only Prom? Yikes
« Reply #34 on: May 09, 2003, 10:11:55 AM »
Like I said, if it was an all black prom (I wouldn\'t even call it a prom, rather a party)

The wording is confusing.
would call someone with SS tattoos a skinhead before a redneck, though both are equally as dumb

True. :)
Originally posted by ##RaCeR##
I don\'t have comprehension issues, you just need to learn how to communicate.
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Whites-Only Prom? Yikes
« Reply #35 on: May 09, 2003, 11:09:49 AM »
that just proves how "backward" the deep south still is these days......  Caucasians are becoming the Minoirty in the US.

It is the Beast the Anti-slag come to live among us for and rule us for 7 years...the end is Nigh!

And I am a member if the G.A.P.

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Whites-Only Prom? Yikes
« Reply #36 on: May 09, 2003, 05:40:59 PM »
Originally posted by GigaShadow
#1.  Clowd isn\'t a Southerner.
#2.  It wasn\'t a school sponsored event - it was a private gathering held off of school property.  It is not against the law.  

Like I said, if it was an all black prom (I wouldn\'t even call it a prom, rather a party) - the media wouldn\'t have said a word.

Nicon, stop confusing pride for ones heritage with white power.  I am not a native southerner and all of my ancestors fought (and some died) for the north and most of the confederate flag waiving rednecks are no more racist than your typical blue collar white man from up north.  The Confederate flag for most Southerners is not a symbol of racism.  Yes, some hate groups use the symbol, but please stop comparing it to a damn swastika.  Let them be proud of the ancestors and heritage, hell, the federal government made the whole month of February a time for blacks to celebrate their history.    

Also Nicon, there are large significant cities in the south, Atlanta being the the biggest one that comes to mind.  New Orleans, Charlotte, Dallas...

I agree with you Giga about the flag. It should be a symbol of rememberence to the Confederate soldiers who died fighting for what they believe and should stop being associated with racism. The swastica is used more for racism than the confederate flag. Having a flag with a swastica on it I could see stirring some controversy. I mean, the Nazis did exterminate millions of people.
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Offline Lord Nicon
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Whites-Only Prom? Yikes
« Reply #37 on: May 09, 2003, 09:26:17 PM »
Originally posted by Titan

I agree with you Giga about the flag. It should be a symbol of rememberence to the Confederate soldiers who died fighting for what they believe and should stop being associated with racism. The swastica is used more for racism than the confederate flag. Having a flag with a swastica on it I could see stirring some controversy. I mean, the Nazis did exterminate millions of people.

But the confederates fighting for what? Sure they can be rememberd for fighting but for what cause? And obviously its not as bad as a swastika. People can stand looking at the CF where as the swastika will start a F-ing war, (not really).
Caucasians are becoming the Minoirty in the US.

Its true. I think i read that in the near future hispanics will be the majority. hmmmm. meh
Originally posted by ##RaCeR##
I don\'t have comprehension issues, you just need to learn how to communicate.
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Offline mjps21983
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Whites-Only Prom? Yikes
« Reply #38 on: May 10, 2003, 11:56:07 PM »
Originally posted by Lord Nicon
Really. the south can shove a **** up its ass. I mean what is there to rise too? I mean there is no HUGE and major buisness cities and they have a bunch of confederate flag waving rednecks. Not to say all of them are, but for those that are, they  can take their happy asses back to europe with that lame "white power" bullshit.

Where have you been the last ten years, major cities, dallas, houston, atlanta, phoenix, do you want me to name some more? businesses Dell??? All oil basically, tobacco(although faltering) I live in Texas and maybe see a confederate flag once or twice every week if that, we arent the racist white supremists you make them out to be, you just get what the media plays for you on tv. And if you don\'t like the way we are redneck and all then don\'t come here. What you spoke was pure ignorance from tv or movie you just watched so come live in texas for a little while and you can see how diverse it actually is, austin is probably one of the most diverse cities in the us.

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Whites-Only Prom? Yikes
« Reply #39 on: May 10, 2003, 11:58:24 PM »
Originally posted by Lord Nicon

But the confederates fighting for what? Sure they can be rememberd for fighting but for what cause? And obviously its not as bad as a swastika. People can stand looking at the CF where as the swastika will start a F-ing war, (not really).

Its true. I think i read that in the near future hispanics will be the majority. hmmmm. meh

Confederates weren\'t just fighting for the rights to use slaves so pick up something other than a high school history book and read it. Confederate Flag has more meaning than just slavery, the flag gets a bad wrap.

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Whites-Only Prom? Yikes
« Reply #40 on: May 11, 2003, 08:14:42 PM »
Originally posted by mjps21983

Where have you been the last ten years, major cities, dallas, houston, atlanta, phoenix, do you want me to name some more? businesses Dell??? All oil basically, tobacco(although faltering) I live in Texas and maybe see a confederate flag once or twice every week if that, we arent the racist white supremists you make them out to be, you just get what the media plays for you on tv. And if you don\'t like the way we are redneck and all then don\'t come here. What you spoke was pure ignorance from tv or movie you just watched so come live in texas for a little while and you can see how diverse it actually is, austin is probably one of the most diverse cities in the us.

Trust me i dont talk about something before i know anything about it. I have been there and im talking about south east my friend. As in alabama, georgia etc. Atlanta isnt all that much if you ask me. I have family there and have been there at least 7 times. I could care less about texas (as far as confederates are concerned). I have family all down there. Keep to these locations pal. Do what is the biggest high rise city down there that even comes close to chicago etc? And tobbaco can shuve a big one. I dont like smoking anyway cause its retarded in most cases and has not one good thing about it besides the fact that it brings money back to the country. Thats not even forgiveable cause some of it is at the expence of some childrens lives. So dont tell me about ignorance, i know plenty about it.
Confederates weren\'t just fighting for the rights to use slaves so pick up something other than a high school history book and read it. Confederate Flag has more meaning than just slavery, the flag gets a bad wrap.

This i know it doesnt stand for keeping slaves. Thats obvious, but if it isnt the only thing then why dont you tell me what else they were fighting for instead of telling me that it wasnt the only thing. Please. Highschool history book? Since you know so much and seem to feel so passionately about the subject, enlighten me. Really. And since when were the books wrong in the first place? Think they give you southern boys a bad rep? ;)
Originally posted by ##RaCeR##
I don\'t have comprehension issues, you just need to learn how to communicate.
Yessir massir ima f*** you up reeeeal nice and homely like. uh huh, yessum ; ).
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Whites-Only Prom? Yikes
« Reply #41 on: May 12, 2003, 08:24:27 AM »
Originally posted by Lord Nicon

Trust me i dont talk about something before i know anything about it. I have been there and im talking about south east my friend. As in alabama, georgia etc. Atlanta isnt all that much if you ask me. I have family there and have been there at least 7 times. I could care less about texas (as far as confederates are concerned). I have family all down there. Keep to these locations pal. Do what is the biggest high rise city down there that even comes close to chicago etc? And tobbaco can shuve a big one. I dont like smoking anyway cause its retarded in most cases and has not one good thing about it besides the fact that it brings money back to the country. Thats not even forgiveable cause some of it is at the expence of some childrens lives. So dont tell me about ignorance, i know plenty about it.
This i know it doesnt stand for keeping slaves. Thats obvious, but if it isnt the only thing then why dont you tell me what else they were fighting for instead of telling me that it wasnt the only thing. Please. Highschool history book? Since you know so much and seem to feel so passionately about the subject, enlighten me. Really. And since when were the books wrong in the first place? Think they give you southern boys a bad rep? ;)

Yes, we all know the Civil War wasn\'t only fought over slavery, though slavery was part of the reason the southern states resisted a bigger role for the Federal Government as they saw the writing on the wall that slavery was doomed.  Basically, the Civil War was fought over power.  The economy of the South was and still is not a match for the North.  With the abolishment of slavery - those in power knew the Old South was doomed economically, politically and socially.  It is interesting to note that  of the white population in the south only 5 to 10 percent owned slaves.

Looking beyond the reason for the war debate, I find it ironic that the Confederate battle flag gets so much heat when all it represents are the men who fought and died on the battlefields.  Meanwhile, the political flag of the Confederacy which stood for all of its laws and institutions was put back on the Georgia state flag last week!!!!!!  This is primarily the fault of Dixiecrats and racist organizations such as the KKK chosing the battle flag as symbol of defiance and hate - maybe it looks more "purty" than the political flag... :rolleyes:
\"The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; the inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries.\"  - Churchill
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Whites-Only Prom? Yikes
« Reply #42 on: May 12, 2003, 10:21:02 AM »
Originally posted by GigaShadow

Yes, we all know the Civil War wasn\'t only fought over slavery, though slavery was part of the reason the southern states resisted a bigger role for the Federal Government as they saw the writing on the wall that slavery was doomed.  Basically, the Civil War was fought over power.  The economy of the South was and still is not a match for the North.  With the abolishment of slavery - those in power knew the Old South was doomed economically, politically and socially.  It is interesting to note that  of the white population in the south only 5 to 10 percent owned slaves.

Looking beyond the reason for the war debate, I find it ironic that the Confederate battle flag gets so much heat when all it represents are the men who fought and died on the battlefields.  Meanwhile, the political flag of the Confederacy which stood for all of its laws and institutions was put back on the Georgia state flag last week!!!!!!  This is primarily the fault of Dixiecrats and racist organizations such as the KKK chosing the battle flag as symbol of defiance and hate - maybe it looks more "purty" than the political flag... :rolleyes:

Thank you so much giga for actually taking the time to explain. I respect that. And your right the flag isnt about slaves but others give it bad publicity. Its sort of a mixed bag, but in terms of the confederates and southerners, 5 to 10 percent owning slaves makes no difference whatsoever. The magnitude of slaves that were brought over is one of the more serious matters because its not as if it were one slave per person> that would be different. And with the abolition of slavery, as you put it, being the final straw it was still something not worth fighting for morally, (but of course not in those times because blacks were only worth 3/4\'s of a person if i remember correctly). And during a lage portion of time, the south was booming economically due to such products like tobbaco. This is one of the reasons that weathly slave owners lived in large European style houses, in the image of an aristocracy.
Originally posted by ##RaCeR##
I don\'t have comprehension issues, you just need to learn how to communicate.
Yessir massir ima f*** you up reeeeal nice and homely like. uh huh, yessum ; ).
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Whites-Only Prom? Yikes
« Reply #43 on: May 12, 2003, 01:07:45 PM »
sorry I don\'t have the time to look specific examples up all the time. If I had the time I would have, sorry, giga said it for me, thanks

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Whites-Only Prom? Yikes
« Reply #44 on: May 12, 2003, 07:04:40 PM »
Originally posted by mjps21983
sorry I don\'t have the time to look specific examples up all the time.

Good then dont expect me to either. geeze
Originally posted by ##RaCeR##
I don\'t have comprehension issues, you just need to learn how to communicate.
Yessir massir ima f*** you up reeeeal nice and homely like. uh huh, yessum ; ).
Debra Lafave Is My Hero ;) lol


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