Here is my regular desktop on OSX.

Here is one running OS X , while X11 is runing KDE 3.1, XMMS and Konqueror web-browser.

You\'ll note that when I run KDE in X11, I run it "rootless" and position the DOCK to the right side of the screen. This gives me my OS X dock and at the same time I have KDE\'s task-bar for X11 windows. It also allows me to run KDE 3.1 without it taking over my complete screen (run it rootless and then configure the desktop behavior in Yast control panel).

Here is KDE 3.1\'s folder navagation, next to OS X\'s navagation. Also in the picture is iTunes running in OS X and XMMS running in X11 - KDE 3.1 .
I\'m also running clear dock for OS X in all three pictures..