I can\'t believe any one making less then $250k would vote republican
but I am appalled at anyone who would vote for Bush, let alone vote for Bush again. The thought of Bush in the White House for 4 more years literally makes me want to yak.
I\'m not fully Liberal but I\'m definitley on the left side of things, and I will vote for anyone I can whos name doesn\'t end in Bush or has an (R) next to it.
I\'d vote Green Party but all that does is weaken the Democratic vote since (R) know who butters their bread, and they obviously do not care enough about the future or the consequences that will come.
Good old boy stuff like "Trickle Down Economics". Nobody dumb enough to believe that one eh?
Yeah lets give more money back to the weathy. They\'ll invest it into companies who\'ll use that money to create new jobs and product sand the economy we\'ll be back on track.
the only thing the wealthy are doing with all those big tax breaks is going on vacations to foreign lands (not much money being left in the US now) putting it into safe investments to help weather the present storm, or spending it on toys for themselves. Doesn\'t create many jobs for guys like us.
But people will argue that the Democratic party is too soft and they\'ll give the money to the lower half, You know the people on welfare. This pisses alot of people off but Trickle Up is a heluva alot better system then Trickle Down.
Yep, give the moeny to the poor and working class those who are too poor or unwealthy enough to leave the country. Since this money is much more needed for survival at the lower levels the poor and the working class spend the money the Gov has rebated mostly on necessities and few treats. Hell even those people buying Drugs with free money are still circulating money to the dealers who are buying those nice jackets, and sneakers... All great for the economy.
Since people are buying more stuff and have more money all the local businesses in these poor and working class areas are now seeing increases in business and profits. These people are one step higher on the ladder and they spend their extra profits on stuff above and beyond necessities. Now the manufacturing plants are increasing productions and new jobs are being created based on increased DEMAND.
That\'s where the (R) economic philosophy is flawed. You can not create demand if people do not have a steady flow of income, and as long as all the people on the lower tiers have some supplemental income coming their way they\'ll spend it one way or another. This then becomes profits for others and the dominoe effect goes on.
We all have different views, but lets not fall prey to the " We have to be tough, be proud, and be right" bull$hit that is infesting American Minds.
Might is not Right, and if countries want to pledge hatred toward us then we should cease doing business with these countries, not wage wars to support our own selfish Needs.
Hell,I\'ll pay $25.00 a gal a gas before I would agree to waste a life for oil. Let alone feed monies to nations who can not handle or control power.