Bush/Blair nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize
Ha Ha Ha Ha
George Bush deserves to be impeached !!!!!!!!
He is a very evil man, who manipulated intelligence information to drive up the cost of oil to supply money to the wealthy oil companies who have porovided the Bush family with there emmence wealth
How the hell the son of a president 2 terms removed whos claim to political greatness is his own involvement with wealthy copmpanies is just disgusting.
I didn\'t support the war in Iraq, I DO NOT SUPPORT BUSH, and I do not believe in America in its present state.
Since the war I have found a solid portion of Americans to be very IGNORANT and very ARROGANT. I am EMBARASSED these days.
If this country sees Bush re-elected for 4 more years America will be up _hits creek for many years to follow.
Anyone old enough to vote. I beg you not to let this happen.