The pace of the first movie was perfect, IMO. Not once did I ever question the importance or revelance of a scene.
Matrix Reloaded:
From the very first scene I had already gotten a little bored...then the next 45 mintues were a drag. What the hell was the purpose of showing every damn angle of the ship when flying in to Zion? Then they showed the entire landing sequence, then the rear hatch opening...then the stupid rave in the cave...Neo\'s fight in that dojo type setting, the woman eating the cake...I could go on and on. It just seemed like they were showing off way too much.
Bah, I wasn\'t disappointed but I wasn\'t impressed either. The fight scenes were no doubt fun to watch, too bad the rest of the movie was a drag.
I\'m still interested to see how this all turns out, but I\'ve lowered my expecations quite a bit for Revolutions.