Despite the fact that I am vegetarian I dont find anything particulary wrong about killing animals to feed ourselves.
But what I dislike these days is the lack of ethics of killing animals in masses as if they are some kind of a lifeless product.
Animals like for example chickens, cows etc are fed and grown at an industrial enviroment.
There go the days were human grew their animals with effort, kill few for their meat, and let them grow in nature.That time people respected their animals because they lived with them, they did a lot of hard work to keep them, feed them, exploit their offerings.
It was a time when human offered to the animals and the animals offered to humans.
Because these days we live in a hugely consuming society, away from nature, in an industrial age we never have any kind of connection with nature.And we never see animals the right way anymore.We only see them as consuming products, almost as lifeless beings that fill our stomachs.They are grown in extremely narrow cages, fed up by whatever artificial, even genetically altered, and slaughtered in masses as if they are vegetables or something.
I wonder if any of you have ever held a real brown hen, or a small chicekn in your arms.Almost none.Only a few.And I wont be surprised if none of you have.
And unfortunately we cant change this because there is no choice.There are too many consumers.To many humans to be fed.This mass slaughtering,genetical alterations etc are needed to keep consumers satisfied.
Where is the human-nature connection?