Ha - Gmanjoe and I agree - I would give the upper hand to domestic trucks over Japanese trucks. But I don\'t drive an truck either.
Very few american cars instill in me any type of confidence or desire to own one. I\'ve owned domestic cars in the past and they were terrible. Here is a list of what I\'ve owned so far.
Bronco II
Oldsmobile Cutlass
Mecury Cougar (I did love this car though, so chill and comfortable)
Nissan Pathfinder
Audi A4
Overall the best vehilce I\'ve owned I would have to say the Nissan. It was well built, easy to work on, parts were available (and cheap) - but everybody has a different experience. One may get a perfect car while, same year, make, model - someone else will get and have nothing but trouble. So I am not saying one car is better over another, just from my personal experience I would not own a domestic car.