As a lover of Final Fantasy, I also loved and love the music of every chapter. Here you have a list of my music collection from FF series:
FFI OST. 1CD. The original sound track of the first Square’s dream.
FFII OST. 1CD. One of the best soundtracks about FF. If you haven’t checked this album, what are you waiting for?
FFIV OST. 1CD. Perhaps the simplest and nicest melodies of all the saga.
FFIV Celtic Moon. 1CD. This is one of my favourite CDs. The music from FFIV interpreted by a Celtic band. A must have.
FFV Dear Friends OST. 1CD. That’s it.
FFVI OST. 3CD. For many guys, the best music available from a FF game.
FFVI Special Tracks. 1CD. A few tracks that weren’t included in the original game.
FFVI Piano Collections. 1CD. The first album composed in piano. Very nice.
FFVI Grand Finale. 1CD. The best tracks from the OST orchestrated by the japanese symphony.
FFVII OST. 4CD. No comment.
FFVIII OST. 4CD. You all know the beauty of this OST.
FFVIII Fithos Lusec Wecos Vinosec. 1CD. Another great orchestrated versión of the best themes from the original music.
FFVIII Piano Collections. 1CD. Piano compositions.
FFIX OST. 4CD. The music from the ninth fantasy.
FFIX Piano Collections. 1CD. That’s it.
FFX OST. 4CD. Some love it, others hate it.
FFX Piano Collections. 1CD.
FFX-2 OST. 2CD. It’s like a remasterized version from the first one.
FFXI OST. 2CD. Some of the tracks are really nice, other, very simple.
FF Best ’87-’94. 1CD. The best tracks from the first FFs recopilated in a cd.
FF Best ’94-’99. 1CD. The same, but from later FFs.
FF Symphonic Suite. 1CD. A special cd recopilating some of the best orchestrated versions from FF.
FF Concert 2002. 2CD. The famous concert of Tokyo that brought into life the best versions of old FF.
FF Love Will Grow. 1CD. A nice cd with the best vocal tracks of FF saga.
FF Pray. 1CD. A vocal disc with some of the best epic tracks from all the FFs.
FF The Black Mages. 1CD. Ever heard about it? It’s a rock album based upon some FF tracks. Just listen to it.
FF Potion. 1CD. A relaxing album with slow FF tracks.
FF Potion 2. 1CD. The second volume.
And that’s it. 45 cds full of more than 3 gb of beauty music and more than 900 tracks. As you can see, there’s one album left in the collection. The FFIII OST. I can’t find it. Any of you has it? Could you share the files or any link to get? Do u know of any other strange based-upon album?