dude dont be pulling this shit over here.
if u only want to spam go to some other friggen board.
edit - btw
Outwar Anti-Spam Policy:
Outwar prohibits its members from using spam and other forms of Internet abuse to gain character power. Spam is defined as including, but not limited to, the following:
1.Electronic mail messages addressed to a recipient with whom the initiator does not have an existing business or personal relationship or is not sent at the request of, or with the express consent of, the recipient;
2.Messages posted to Usenet and message boards that are off-topic (unrelated to the topic of discussion), cross-posted to unrelated newsgroups, or posted in excessive volume;
Solicitations posted to chat rooms, or to groups or individuals via Internet Relay Chat or "Instant Messaging" system (such as ICQ);
3.Certain off-line activities that, while not considered spam, are similar in nature, including distributing flyers or leaflets on private property or where prohibited by applicable rules, regulations, or laws.