I agree with LiC to an extent. I generally keep an eye on the release list and if something interests me, I go for a walk and pick it up. If there so happens to be a couple of DVD\'s released that day that are just as exceptional, I\'ll pick them both up as it\'s not a big deal. However, I have been meaning to pick up a couple of DVD\'s in the next few weeks so I might as well list them here.
-DS9 Season 2, 3
-The Animatrix
-Robin Hood Prince of Thieves Specia Edition (for my mom)
-The Iron Giant Special Edition
-Lord of the Rings Two Towers Super Special Hyper Nuclear Explosion Edition (or whatever it\'s going to be called)
That\'s all i can really think of right now. I guess if Nemo makes it to DVD this year along with Matrix Reloaded, I\'ll pick them both up so long as they are decent editions. I refuse to buy barebones DVD\'s and fall into line with corporate ideals. Just irks me too much how my new DVD with a great movie on it is suddenly outdated with a special edition released 6 months later. Annoying as hell.