funny this should come up. my school actually bought a few segways for publicity and for tech use.
the students got to test them out, and if you havent been on one yet, they are VERY sensitive to how to accelerate/decelerate. there is no gas pedal or throttle. you go or stop by leaning. it\'s very awkward at first. they also hit 12mph and gain that speed very quickly
also, look at the 1st picture. he is leaning the segway WAY far back to get on. you need to keep it level when you climb on so it remains stationary. we probably jumped on at that angle, it proceeded to instantly speed in reverse, and the natural human instinct it to lean forward WHICH sent the segway into an instant acceleration forward causing him to topple over.
honestly, it\'s funny to see people 1st climb on those things without thinking they can be unsafe. try to stand on a rocking horse and see how stable it is