Ok, I am reviving this thread. Why ? Well becuz I kind of suspect that you, Adan/ S O E are not the person who made these 3D CG

Becuz I do 3D myself I visit the CGtalk forums on a weekly basis and here is what I found :
1. The spanish street scene is made by a spanish person named
Juan Siquier in 2003 using 3D MAX + Brazil r/s + Onix Tree Pro + Photoshop , NOT in Maya.
The original URL to the pic is here ( note J.Siquier\'s sig in the rightlow corner of the pic, NOT Adan.
Original J.Siquier pic His website can be found here
Juan Siquier website 2. Then I found the original pic of the made up car you claimed to have made. My suspicion became bigger becuz this car was modeled by ANOTHER person, not J. Siquier ! This car was done by a CGTalk member named Spirit2029 who is a Canadian living in Vancouver, Canada, NOT a spanish dude in Spain.
Also, he made it in XSi , not Maya and it was done in 2002.
URL is here :
Original car by Spirit 2029 So, here we have the fact that the car and the street scene have been made by 2 different CGtalk forum members, one being spanish and the other canadian. So it couldn\'t be just you, Adan...
Also, there\'s the 3D software mismatch becuz both pics were factually NOT made using Maya, but 3D Max for the spanish street scene and XSi for the car. This may also explain the fact why you didn\'t post a wireframe render of these 3D works..... becuz you simply didn\'t make the models.....???
Why am I making such a fuss about this ? Well, if it is true that you didn\'t make these pics then you\'re taking credit away from both J.Siquier and Spirit 2029 who both deserve it. I do 3D myself, Maya and Cinema4D and I know how tough it can be, so if anyone rips off my work, in which I put alot of practice and effort then that\'s really not nice imo.
So... Seed of Evil... what do you have to say about this ?