... of Maya. Yes. As you read.
Months ago, a friend of mine gave me the program Maya. I have being always using 3D Max, and, the few times I checked Maya, I didn\'t like because it seemed very simple. The program remained there, in a small corner of my HDD... with no use. (Apart from 3D Max, I was also busy with University).
2 weeks ago, classes finished, and, although I have to study to sit my exams, I have more spare time to play, surf the net and check those utilities you have in the HDD.
Like I said, I opened for first time Maya 2 weeks ago (I mean seriously, to make a project). At the beginning it was very plain, very few features, easy to use... I dunno... like if I weren\'t able to do more than a ball and a table.
I surfed the net and found some plugins, textures... in some forums I read questions and answers of people... interesting... maya was more powerful than it seemed. Of course, many people prefers it over 3D max so it may works fine...
I was practicing for a couple of days with some of its tools, rendering small scenes and learning to use some of the new features, like the cinematic perspective.
Now, after 15 days, I repeat the same: I\'m in love with Maya. The results are much more realistic, elements are combined properly and there is not that amount of logical errors of 3D Max. I also like the light effects, the camera angles/postions and the options of the environmental scene you\'re working on.
I\'m not a master. I\'m just a newbie in modelling, both in 3D max and Maya (in maya i\'m a baby

) but i\'m really proud of my results with this program. I think that, with a bit of practice, I can achieve nice scenes.
For the moment, here you have my first serious scene. A street next to my home. Textures are very plain and 2nd background is very awful but all I need is practice. Tell me if you like it. I\'d like to receive critics to improve the worst points.