Scroll down, dont say i didn\'t warn you.
German police say that an extensive search of the man accused of eating his sex partner has produced no evidence that he had eaten anybody else.
The 42 year old man, known only as Armin M, has been charged with one count of murder. He told police that his victim had agreed to be eaten.
Armin M said that he met his victim, identified only as Bernd Juergen B, that an internet bulletin board. "The accused supposedly first cut off the penis of the victim by mutual agreement because they wanted to eat it together," a police statement said.
The German press reports that the couple dined together on the victim\'s penis - flambéed - before M killed B and carved him up to fit in his freezer.
Police were alerted when a second internet ad was discovered, which according to one German newspaper read: "Seeking young, well-built 18- to 30-year-old for slaughter."
and an article from Sydney Morning Herald
The victim in the cannibal murder case in Germany wrote his will immediately before he met his murderer, authorities said today amid mounting indications that victim and killer both engaged in cannibalism.
"The victim appeared to be fully aware of the situation," an investigator said. "Videotape material definitely shows both him and the suspect engaged in eating his own flesh prior to his death."
Law officers who have seen the video made by the suspect of the final moments of his victim\'s life were said to be undergoing psychiatric counselling.
The 41-year-old suspect, identified only as Armin M, admitted having videotaped himself killing the man he had met via a gay Internet chat room. Both men were computer experts, both described as `internet addicts\'. Authorities filed murder charges against the reclusive computer systems expert yesterday.
His 42-year-old victim, a computer chip developer at Siemens Corporation in Berlin identified only as Bernd Juergen B., willingly allowed himself to be led to the slaughter, police said.
On the morning of his disappearance on March 9 last year, Bernd Juergen B wrote out his will and had it notarised. He left the bulk of his estate, including a lavish penthouse apartment, and $US50,000 ($A88,560) worth of computer equipment to his live-in partner, a man named Rene.
Rene knew nothing of his plans and discovered the will only after Bernd Juergen B was reported missing, according to Berliner Morgenpost newspaper. The victim reportedly sold most of his other belongings, including a sports car just before his disappearance.
Unknown to his friend Rene, the victim had told his boss at Siemens he was taking that Friday off "to attend to some personal matters" and co-workers caught sight of him at a subway station in Berlin. That was the last time he was seen in Berlin.
According to police, the victim had several thousand dollars in cash and his passport when he travelled 300km from Berlin to the alleged murderer\'s rambling half-timbered house near Kassel.
The two men had met via a gay internet chat room notice placed by the murderer, one of 80 such notices he had put on the internet. The notices read: "Gay male seeks hunks 18-30 to slaughter."
Police today said a chat room user tipped them off to the existence of the ads. They now know of at least five respondents to the ad, besides undercover officers who answered it and quickly determined it was meant literally.
In addition to frozen human flesh and skeletal remains, police found the cellar had been renovated into a veritable two-room abattoir, including trough drains and meat hooks.
Police today said the video shows the victim willingly allowed himself to be castrated and both men engaged in eating his severed flesh.
Armin M stabbed the man to death and suspended his body upside-down from a meat hook to gut and clean it. Then he dismembered the body. He froze the meat in "meal-sized packets" and ate most of it, burying the portions he did not eat.
Police used diggers to unearth body parts on the grounds of his sprawling 17th century estate in the idyllic central German town of Rotenburg an der Fulda. The body parts were undergoing DNA testing to determine whether they came from perhaps more than one victim.
Authorities said they have found no indications that more than one person\'s remains had been disposed of at the estate.
The murder suspect was described by neighbours as a pleasant and polite man who kept to himself.
He served a dozen years in the German armed forces as a non-commissioned officer in ordinance. He was described as an amiable and conscientious military man.
After leaving the military in 1991, he got re-training as a computer technician and until recently had a job with a software firm in the Rhine Valley city of Karlsruhe, 300km south of Rotenburg.
He lived with his mother in the 17th century half-timbered manor house, staying on there after her death three years ago.
"He was a mama\'s boy," a neighbour told reporters. "He was totally fixated on his mother, who he said never let him date girls. After she died, he began to thaw out."