This thread is devoted to beginning of the CD.
I don’t know if you remember but when it was first launched it was hailed as near enough indestructible back in the 80’s.
In Fact one TV programme (tomorrows world UK science/entertainment programme) demonstrated what they claimed was the indestructible properties of the CD.
I remember they actually poured hot tar onto a music CD.. left it for a bit and then wiped it off and placed it into a CD player and it “played” perfectly.
At last I though the end to the scourge of Scratches.
But now its seams like for some CD a fly could buzz pass while your taking your CD out the holder only to have a unreadable scratch across the surface.
Well this thread is devoted to the pain of lost CD & DVD and the method of their demise.
Here are some not well known ways of loosing a CD & DVD add your own if you have them.
- Cat pee, yup for some reason cat pee not only smells bad but it rots the plastic and eats way at the CD surface.
- Cheap CD cleaner , I have actually lost a CD to some shoddy CD cleaner.
- the plastic prongs on the CD case, I actually bought a CD album where the prongs were broken off and were lose inside the case. It looks like some of the plastic shards scraped the read side (lucky for me it was sealed and I could return it and get a refund)
- PC CD drive dying on me (problems with the CD tray , this one was actually a PC zone cover disk and I was lucky it wasn’t a new game or something.