This thread is posted in both
Off-Topic[/color] and
Madden 2003[/color].
Alright, here are some rules in general:
1.No new members! I\'ll determine who is a relatively new member and who isn\'t. I really need people I know that will actually pay attention to the league. If the league isn\'t filling up as fast as I hoped it would though, then I will take newer members.[/i]
2.As mentioned above, please don\'t signup if you\'re only going to check your team once a month. I\'d like the league to be fun and competitive with everyone participating.[/i]
3.If you wish to signup leave the following information:
(Team) Name: HaTe Me NoW
Location: Las Vegas, NV
AIM/MSN: FearTheRedHead
After I fill 12 spots (1 spot being myself, so now 11), then I will create a new thread providing league info (number of players, positions, draft info, etc.).
NOTE: I\'m sure not everyone who will originally signup will last till draft day, so I\'m willing to accept 3 true alternates as well.
NOTE2:[vid] Under name, place your team name.[/vid]