Officer Accused Of Pointing Gun At Other Officer
Police Department Investigates Incident
WASHINGTON -- The D.C. police department is investigating allegations that one of its officers pointed a gun at another member. Sources told News4 that the alleged incident happened around midnight Tuesday morning in the 1st District police station.
Apparently, one officer walked into the station carrying marijuana plants he had seized earlier in the day. The desk sergeant on duty told the officer to leave immediately. However, he refused and asked the desk sergeant for an evidence bag. She apparently became irate and pointed her weapon at him.
female officer: Evidence? you mean my bullets?
and who say we can trust our police dept.?:rolleyes:
the first thing I was told before I ever handle a gun was that: gun is always loaded
2.never point it at anything I don\'t intend to shoot
3.check to see if its loaded before I give it to anyone.
I guess she\'s just going to give it to him just like that.