You cannot blame Lewis for being declared the winner, no more than you can blame Klitschko for losing, if anything, it was the referee\'s fault for calling it to a halt. But, having said that, and looking back at the fight in slow motion, it is now obvious that the cut over the eye WAS caused by a punch, and NOT by headbut, and due to the fact that it was getting worse and worse by each passing round, the referee was totally justified in calling it to a halt and awarding the win to Lewis. Lewis did NOT deserve to be booed by the crowd like that, he won by TKO, even though he was 2 rounds behind. Sure, it was an unconvincing win, but it was a win non-the-less, and a fair one at that.
Lewis\' problem for this fight, was more to do with him being unprepared for it, and not so much to do with his age. His physical condition was even worse than when he fought Rahman for the first time, and we all know what happened there, don\'t we? When the rematch happens, and there SHOULD be a rematch, Klitschko deserves that much, I can see Lewis busting a gut to get into tip top physical condition for it. He will come back and blow the Ukrainian away, because in my view, he isn\'t in the same league as Lennox. His swansong was originally going to be a fight against Jones jnr, I think he will now forget about that, and use a rematch with Vitali to end his career.
But for a minute, I want to go back to last nights fight, I think Lennox would have won it eventually anyway, the signs were there that he was starting to find a few uppercuts that were clearly starting to drain energy from Klitschko, a few more of them, and I get the feeling that he would have been on his way out, sure Lewis was getting caught too, but he seemed to be able to absorb them better.
My prediction would be that either he knocks Klitschko out inside 9 rounds, or Vitali would quit inside 10, he doesn\'t have the heart, he quits too easily.
The only gripe I have about Lewis, apart from his condition last night, was his behaviour AFTER the fight, when talking to the ring interviewer, he somewhat lost his trademark coolness when his performance was questioned, and that was wrong, plain and simple.
My prediction for the rematch....
Lewis will come back in top mint condition, and will destroy Vitlai within 6 rounds, he won\'t get a lookin, he will be stunned by the power of an in shape Lennox Lewis, just like Tyson did, just like Rahman did, just like Grant did, just like Botha did........ I could go on.............