Hey Boys are just as impressionable. I mean think about how many Boys at that age are talked into doing things they shouldn\'t... This is why they are all Minors. They are easily impressionable, and can be swindled into doing many things because of the pressures of going through Puberty, trying to form their own identity in the world, etc. They are on the verge of being Adults and having the understanding of right, wrong, etc, but it is still when they are more easily swayed.
Losing one\'s virginity to someone more your age is also a little more understandable as I am sure most of us were at that point (are at that point, unsure of ages). It is going to happen in this day and age, and there isn\'t a whole lot anyone can do about it. Usually when you lose your virginity (boy or girl) to someone of comparible age, you are both feeling awkward, trying to understand the impulses that your body is now feeling, etc. Someone who is an Adult and going after minors are using the child\'s lack of experience and preying on their new found urges. They use the minor\'s puberty against them and prey on their emotions, etc. That is why it is bad.
Not all 12-16 year olds (younger and older) are into that and most are very mature, but it is still something that when in a vulnerable state they can make choices that once more mature would never make.
That is why it is illegal in many places to use kids and teens in that manor if you are older.