yep, just got home, the Stones kicked some major ass and denmark, I mean I come from Iceland I\'m not used to heats close to 30°c jebus it\'s unnatural.
I also faced some racial discrimination, you see Icelanders seem to have a reputation for being: loud, obnoxious, rude and very very drunk while in Denmark (or any other country for that matter). Now I\'m none of those things (don\'t even drink) but when I enter a store and the owner says "I don\'t want any trouble" you kinda feel like "woah, slow down there I just want a damned Coke". It\'s racism I tell ya, saying that I\'m a loud obnoxious drunk hellbent on being an asshole, while I\'m actually a idotic tourist hellbent on finding my way back to my hotel.
Ohh well, I\'ll post some more tomorrow but right now I need some sleep.