Funny thread.
Originally posted by Samwise
I had to look at some guy typing in Spanish today while playing Day of Defeat. So naturally - since I basically know no Spanish - I decide to throw some Spanish-looking words his way.
I said "uno caballo los testiclos" and stupid crap like that. 
I believe he answered "jajaja, pombre" (or something similar) - do you know what that would mean? I\'m guessing "hahaha, moron". 
Anyway, I need some more (naughty) Spanish words.
Well, your "uno caballo, los testiclos" doesn\'t mean anything actually, and neither next to any insult you will hear around here. His "jajaj, pombre", I guess it would be "pobre", something like "poor guy". Some insults you may need for these situations:
Hijo de puta
Maricón de mierda
I can\'t remember more, of this level, so you can find some in the link mm provided, even though they\'re also translated with some program/dictionary ans it\'s clear that most of them don\'t sound like they usually do.