OK, here are my real feelings on Tony Blair.
He started off OK, he repaid a load of our national debt and seemed like an OK guy, maybe a bit grinny. But before 9/11 occured our health service had begun to fall apart, teachers were in short supply and our schools were under funded, he\'s made higher education (degree level) out of reach of everyone but the incredibly rich or extremely foolhardy, who wants to leave uni with £20,000+ debts? He seems to like blaming the Tories for the wrongs of this country, you\'ve been PM long enough for that statement to mean nothing now Tony.
Then there was 9/11, we haven\'t seen him much since. He\'s been around Europe vying for the future position of European president (not officially but he\'s trying, you can tell) as well as being in the states teaching GWB English and Geography.
Then came the 51st State crap, all this standing shoulder to shoulder buzzword stuff and a war in Afghanistan. I wasn\'t really for destroying and Entire country because of two buildings being felled by a terrorist when just kidnapping him using tact and subtlety would have been easier, still TB smiles from afar (abroad, again) and claims success. WHAT, success, the country is trashed and you lost the important man.
The UK is still in a shit state with high taxes, poor service from just about everywhere, and a severe problem with asylum seekers, the last processing centre, state of the art with big screen TVs etc was burned down completely when they decided they wanted to be savages. Still TB smiles and says everything is fine and does nothing (from France or Tuscany or some shit like that). Our schools have no money or staff (some can\'t even open come the new term because of it). The roads are worse still, the NHS is on life support and public transport is unuseable due to removal of trains from timetables and non-showing of the ones that are left. He claims crime has fallen, but the figures are obviously massaged, this place is violent and I hate being a 24 year old male here, the country\'s full of wankers that have no restrictions, the courts couldn\'t convict someone properly if they tried and I really don\'t feel safe even having a quite pint in the evening.
Then another unjust war worth about $90b. When most of the country didn\'t agree with the war it takes the piss him spending as much money as he has on it. The normal people feel like he is uncontrollable, he pretty much is. Whenever he meets the public on programmes like Question Time and answers their queries he has never once seemed like he actually cares, he\'s just waiting for his turn to speak. He\'s piledriving all of his opinions and wants through, joining Europe, the single currency, wars, the list goes on and on.
His time is running out, he\'s a man on a mission to end his own career. People are (actually have been for a while) tired of his shit.
In summary, this country is shit and we need someone willing to be Prime Minister of his own country first and foremost as it\'s in a really bad way and not keep leaving it.
Tony Blair, go straight to America, do not pass go, do not collect a huge payoff. Just leave.