Something I was thinking about....
I\'ve seen this in other threads and other forums and it rarely even gets asked so....
Why do the Bush nutswingers try to justify lying just b/c he didnt lie on the stand?
A lie from *our leader* about whatever is still a lie right?
*edit* Come on now, Bush and perjury? He didn\'t lie on the stand, like Clinton did.
No, instead he lied to the American people in the State of the Union address, sent soldiers in to fight an unjust war under false pretenses, then lied some more.
Seriously, time to gie up on bashing Clinton; most liberals dislike him nearly as much as we dislike Bush. he was not a liberal, regardless of how conservatives prefer to paint him; anyone who enacts welfare reform, supports the death penalty and actively seeks to reduce appeals time, rolls back environmental laws, allows driling in National parks, supports faith based initiatives, and cuts abortion funding cannot be coined a true liberal. Yet you keep bashing him, and then get all offended the second someone says "Yeha, maybe Bush did steal that eleciton in 2000 after all" But what really matters is that he won the popualr vote, right? oh no, he didn\'t do that...but he won the important vote, the one that went 5-4 in his favor.
And you want to talk about "Liberal" media bias concerning that election? how about the stories that came out a couple months later about the Florida recounts certifying that Bush would have won...but did not mention that in 75% of the scenarios of how the votes could have been counted, Gore would have won.
I do not recall seeing any ultra liberal exposes on how Katherine Harris\'s position on counting absentee ballots changed as soon as it became obvious that Bush needed those votes, and suddenly she was willing to count votes without postmarks, postmarked past the election date, and multiple votes from the same person. Or the fact that thousands of black voters in Florida were barred from voting due to the fact that they were declared ineligible because of felony records, when they had in fact never been arrested...and that the names of many of those on that list came from, guess it does pay to be a Bush sometimes, huh?
wow, that turned into a rant. Game on...