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Author Topic: Bush\'s impeachment????????  (Read 1648 times)

Offline Ace
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Bush\'s impeachment????????
« Reply #30 on: July 23, 2003, 04:19:50 AM »
Originally posted by ooseven
Why what are you going to do with him ???

Tip buddy you can\'t run for president if your a Foreign National, so Blair being your new president is out of the question ;).


Thanks for the lesson in US politics. :rolleyes:

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Offline Simchoy
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Bush\'s impeachment????????
« Reply #31 on: July 26, 2003, 12:20:17 AM »
Impreachment? Never going to happen. First, I can argue all night long why Clinton should\'ve been impeached, why it wasn\'t just about sex, etc. But none of that matters when it concerns the "possible" (and I use that term VERY lightly) impeachment of Bush.

First, it would have to get through the Republican congress. While Bush may have been weakned in the polls, certainly not enough to convince people of his own party to get into a tussle with him.

Second...Bush didn\'t lie. If he did, even I would be calling for his head. But the evidence in question...is still in question. The only reason why the CIA people are saying that it wasn\'t reliable is because, we don\'t know 100% sure if it was accurate. Which, even now is questionable since the Brits are sticking to it. Not to mention, 16 words out of the entire state of the union...the only one that look like fools are the Democratic opposition with their bitching.

As for Blair...I admire Blair since, he stood up for Bush even when HIS approval ratings were in question. As it was pointed out, Blair is a liberal. The only thing you can remotely say was conservative about him was his stance on Iraq. Everything else is to the left of Bush. Blair went against people even within his own party. Lots of guts for a politician nowadays.
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Offline Halberto
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Bush\'s impeachment????????
« Reply #32 on: July 26, 2003, 12:50:53 AM »
Seriously Green Meanie, shut up.

Anyone who compares Blair or Bush to Hitler is just plain retarded.

Offline videoholic

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Bush\'s impeachment????????
« Reply #33 on: July 26, 2003, 03:02:43 AM »
Originally posted by Simchoy
Impreachment? Never going to happen. First, I can argue all night long why Clinton should\'ve been impeached, why it wasn\'t just about sex, etc. But none of that matters when it concerns the "possible" (and I use that term VERY lightly) impeachment of Bush.

First, it would have to get through the Republican congress. While Bush may have been weakned in the polls, certainly not enough to convince people of his own party to get into a tussle with him.

Second...Bush didn\'t lie. If he did, even I would be calling for his head. But the evidence in question...is still in question. The only reason why the CIA people are saying that it wasn\'t reliable is because, we don\'t know 100% sure if it was accurate. Which, even now is questionable since the Brits are sticking to it. Not to mention, 16 words out of the entire state of the union...the only one that look like fools are the Democratic opposition with their bitching.

As for Blair...I admire Blair since, he stood up for Bush even when HIS approval ratings were in question. As it was pointed out, Blair is a liberal. The only thing you can remotely say was conservative about him was his stance on Iraq. Everything else is to the left of Bush. Blair went against people even within his own party. Lots of guts for a politician nowadays.

Oh my, someone actually makes sense. :thumb:

Originally posted by ViVi
Seriously Green Meanie, shut up.

Anyone who compares Blair or Bush to Hitler is just plain retarded.

Please don\'t tell people to shut up or call people names.  You\'ve done that on several occasions lately and it is extremely rude.  I know it\'s hard with some of the people on this board :blah:, but just think it and write something else. :whip:
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Bush\'s impeachment????????
« Reply #34 on: July 26, 2003, 06:52:10 AM »
I have a possible reason for not finding the WMD. There\'s thousands of square miles of desert. He could have ordered the Republican Guard or some other loyalist force to bury it somewhere in the desert. It would take a long time to find them. We also can\'t rule out the fact that Saddam stashed the stuff in another country or even dismantled and destroyed all records. But I feel that freeing the people was worth the war and getting rid of the dictator. But I feel we are forcing people to accept our government. We should just have advisers there to help the people when chosing THEIR OWN government.
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Offline fastson
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Bush\'s impeachment????????
« Reply #35 on: July 26, 2003, 07:16:25 AM »

« Last Edit: July 26, 2003, 07:19:58 AM by fastson »
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Offline luckee
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Bush\'s impeachment????????
« Reply #36 on: July 28, 2003, 11:34:47 AM »
Something I was thinking about....

I\'ve seen this in other threads and other forums and it rarely even gets asked so....

Why do the Bush nutswingers try to justify lying just b/c he didnt lie on the stand?

A lie from *our leader* about whatever is still a lie right?

*edit* Come on now, Bush and perjury? He didn\'t lie on the stand, like Clinton did.
No, instead he lied to the American people in the State of the Union address, sent soldiers in to fight an unjust war under false pretenses, then lied some more.
Seriously, time to gie up on bashing Clinton; most liberals dislike him nearly as much as we dislike Bush. he was not a liberal, regardless of how conservatives prefer to paint him; anyone who enacts welfare reform, supports the death penalty and actively seeks to reduce appeals time, rolls back environmental laws, allows driling in National parks, supports faith based initiatives, and cuts abortion funding cannot be coined a true liberal. Yet you keep bashing him, and then get all offended the second someone says "Yeha, maybe Bush did steal that eleciton in 2000 after all" But what really matters is that he won the popualr vote, right? oh no, he didn\'t do that...but he won the important vote, the one that went 5-4 in his favor.
And you want to talk about "Liberal" media bias concerning that election? how about the stories that came out a couple months later about the Florida recounts certifying that Bush would have won...but did not mention that in 75% of the scenarios of how the votes could have been counted, Gore would have won.

I do not recall seeing any ultra liberal exposes on how Katherine Harris\'s position on counting absentee ballots changed as soon as it became obvious that Bush needed those votes, and suddenly she was willing to count votes without postmarks, postmarked past the election date, and multiple votes from the same person. Or the fact that thousands of black voters in Florida were barred from voting due to the fact that they were declared ineligible because of felony records, when they had in fact never been arrested...and that the names of many of those on that list came from Texas...wow, guess it does pay to be a Bush sometimes, huh?

wow, that turned into a rant. Game on...
« Last Edit: July 28, 2003, 11:45:20 AM by luckee »
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Offline Simchoy
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Bush\'s impeachment????????
« Reply #37 on: July 28, 2003, 01:05:05 PM »
Again, back to the election of 2000. :rolleyes:

I could go on about how if those people were stupid enough to vote for Buchannan instead of Gore, couldn\'t even punch through the ballot (those pregnent chads)...or how no matter HOW many recounts, Gore was still behind. Not to mention, notice that they didn\'t recount the ballots in the WHOLE state? I could go on with my own little rant.

But again, this doesn\'t have to deal with Bush\'s current problem with those 16 words. And again, did those 16 words alone convince people that this war was right? I don\'t think so.

And as you have pointed out, Clinton did lie under oath. Bush, ASSUMING he did lie, didn\'t do so. Believe it or not though, I agree that this doesn\'t make it right. If Bush did lie, it was only because the intel he recieved was not accurate. But like I said before, the reports in question...the British are STILL sticking to it. So again, we do NOT know whether or not these reports are really false or not.

Nothing impeachable here despite what Bob Graham of Florida would have you believe.
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Bush\'s impeachment????????
« Reply #38 on: July 28, 2003, 02:17:33 PM »
I dont listen to that asshat Graham. :)
\"Booze, broads, and bullshit. If you got all that, what else do you need?\"-Harry Caray

Don\'t cry over spilled milk., It could have been Whiskey.-Me

A free people ought not only to be armed and disciplined, but they should have sufficient arms and ammunition to maintain a status of independence from any who might attempt to abuse them, which would include their own government.-George Washington

Offline videoholic

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Bush\'s impeachment????????
« Reply #39 on: July 28, 2003, 07:03:04 PM »
Originally posted by Simchoy
Again, back to the election of 2000. :rolleyes:

I could go on about how if those people were stupid enough to vote for Buchannan instead of Gore, couldn\'t even punch through the ballot (those pregnent chads)...or how no matter HOW many recounts, Gore was still behind. Not to mention, notice that they didn\'t recount the ballots in the WHOLE state? I could go on with my own little rant.

Actually they did recount the whoel state and Gore still lost.
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Bush\'s impeachment????????
« Reply #40 on: July 29, 2003, 12:40:01 AM »
And remember the recount was ****ed up at some point.

Florida is just a mess period.
\"Booze, broads, and bullshit. If you got all that, what else do you need?\"-Harry Caray

Don\'t cry over spilled milk., It could have been Whiskey.-Me

A free people ought not only to be armed and disciplined, but they should have sufficient arms and ammunition to maintain a status of independence from any who might attempt to abuse them, which would include their own government.-George Washington

Offline Green Meanie
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Bush\'s impeachment????????
« Reply #41 on: July 30, 2003, 01:37:45 AM »
Originally posted by videoholic
Please don\'t tell people to shut up or call people names.  You\'ve done that on several occasions lately and it is extremely rude.  I know it\'s hard with some of the people on this board :blah:, but just think it and write something else. :whip:

Cheers Vid, been gone a few days and missed that one.


Offline Ace
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Bush\'s impeachment????????
« Reply #42 on: July 30, 2003, 02:17:11 AM »
When Bush WINS AGAIN, what are you guys going to do?

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Offline fastson
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Bush\'s impeachment????????
« Reply #43 on: July 30, 2003, 03:09:48 AM »
Pray for your souls.

\"Behold, my son, with how little wisdom the world is governed\"
-Axel Oxenstierna 1648

Offline luckee
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Bush\'s impeachment????????
« Reply #44 on: July 30, 2003, 03:12:14 AM »
Originally posted by Ace
When Bush WINS AGAIN, what are you guys going to do?

Hang myself.
\"Booze, broads, and bullshit. If you got all that, what else do you need?\"-Harry Caray

Don\'t cry over spilled milk., It could have been Whiskey.-Me

A free people ought not only to be armed and disciplined, but they should have sufficient arms and ammunition to maintain a status of independence from any who might attempt to abuse them, which would include their own government.-George Washington


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