Vivi - honestly, who cares what you heard? I guess you heard it from someone who heard it from someone who heard it from someone who heard it from an uncomfirmed news source, who heard it from someone... My point? Who cares, Vivi..
I agree Luckee, I also find it amazin\' that this war distraction actually worked on the blind American public. September 11th came and went. We waged war on Osama Bin Laden and promised to capture him. It never happened. We switched and then Saddam became the big bad guy - even though there are no links what so ever to him and 9/11. We can\'t find him - so we go after his sons and kill them..
Before anyone else gives me a lecture on what they did or supposely done. I\'ve heard about it. I don\'t care. I see no point in killing them. I see no point in this war. I do see a point in finding Osama Bin Laden - but the Bush Adminstration couldn\'t do that, so they\'ve pretty much given up and found a new target for the American\'s who demand blood.
We\'ve yet to find weapons of mass destruction. We\'ve yet to find even proof that they was being made. All we have is Bush saying they exist and his intelligence which keeps comin\' out to be false. With all this effort , why not focus on the main problem? The one who attacked us on 9/11? Why divert energy, soliders and money to something that isn\'t nearly as important. Not at this time and period.
In simple english. I\'m all for finding Osama Bin Laden and his gang and if the Bush Adminstration could come up with solid links bewteen Saddam and Osama, I\'d even give support for this crusade . Instead, it seems as though this war and Saddam have simply been a way to get Osama and Bush\'s failure out of the public eye and that in my opinion is poor, piss poor to be precise.