Originally posted by GigaShadow
The fact is, you complain when the US shows bodies, yet in your own words... "myself and at least two others didnt give a flying **** if our guys/gals were on TV or not."
So answer me this... why you care about 2 dead Iraqis being shown on television? Maybe its because you despise the government? Why don\'t you get down to real reasons you think everything the US does is wrong... not only you, but LIC as well...
No matter what was done, I am sure the lot of you would complain.
I swear you have a huge problem with reading or comprehending. I always have to tell you this.
Anywho...let\'s try together now.
I complained b/c of the principle, IE..my hypocrite much statement.
Why is it ok for the US to show them on TV but the Iraqis were blasted all to hell for doing the same thing. Hell, the US even threatend war crime charges.
Is it a little more clear for you foggy?
As for the rest of your comment. I don\'t think everything our government does is wrong, I don\'t remember saying that, so I will thank you not to put words in my mouth. Unless that is the only way you can have a discussion with me.( something else you do all of the time when we debate)
There was NO good reason for the gov. to display them on TV since they were so adament about the Iraqis showing our brave men and women. That is the point.
once again..hypocrite much?