. I know, I need help. But when you landed on that carrier, and that banner read, "MISSION ACCOMPLISHED," just what mission was that that was accomplished? \'Cause by my count, more than 50 of our young soldiers have died since you said the mission was accomplished. Anarchy still reigns, the Brits are losing kids, too, and wacko fundamentalists now seem to ready to rule the land. Women are already being told to cover their face and shut their mouths, store owners who sell liquor have been executed, and movie theaters showing "immoral" Hollywood movies have been forced to shut down. And hey, this isn\'t even west Texas! Maybe you could get back into that jumpsuit, fly over to Baghdad and land at the former Saddam International Airport, jump out and give one of those big happy waves -- under a sign that reads, "MISSION IMPOSSIBLE."
True That........
in fact we have lost more people thanTHE FIRST GULF WAR NOW..,.....
So much for "The war is over " :rolleyes:
Originally posted by Ace
The truth? He\'s a nut job.
why do i get the fealing that you would like to see him and people like him in Guantanamo Bay.
I fear the day we have Ace\'s Far Right American Superpower leading the world :sconf: :sconf: :sconf: