I\'m in love with XP. Do you remember when I asked u about installing in my aunt\'s pc XP with PIII 500 and 128 ram? Well, I formatted this asfernoon his HDD because it was wrong lately. I began to install again W98 and hundreds of errors appeared after rebooting. Wrong drivers, searching necessary files, etc... I had no sound, no modem, no graphic card... a disaster. I had the driver disks but it seemed to don\'t like them.
I went back home and picked up XP disk. Formatted again and it now runs perfectly. And when I say perfectly, I mean perfectly. Programmes run fast and withour problem, it starts incredibly quick, no single driver problem, everything automatic and without an interruption... guys, this is an OS.
All you with a PIII and 128 ram can install XP because it runs as good as in my 2800 512 ram.
BTW, when the pc starts, in the msdos screen yet, a msg tells me that the system tried to start for 3 times and was not able so it says it\'s running at safe speed. I know it had 3 years ago the same problem and after changing something in the bios setup it was fixed. I can\'t remember what\'s the problem... with ram I\'m sure... do you what setting must I change?