Man, last night I laughed

. Sorry guys but, to me, it is just so funny:laughing: . The people were nearly dying of the heat - 36 degrees.?!?!? In South Africa 36 degrees in the summer is a nice day...In fact there were a few days in winter that went up to 33 degrees. We only complain when we hit between 46 - 50 degrees. I was watching SkyNews last night (Yes, we have satilite dishes in Africa too :surprised ) and saw how some people did not even go to work because it was so "very hot". If we had to stay off work because it was 36 degrees we would be fired.
Anyway, I suppose our winters are not as cold as yours though. Reaching a minimum of roughly 09 degrees in winter. So we would probably shit ourselves with your kind of cold.
Nothing much to it, just felt like telling you guys.