If you didn\'t watch the show, then go away...
I finally got around to watching the last two episodes last night.
I found a number of things odd about the final episode.
A) Dat Phan won??? WTF? Dude is so not funny. Dave Mardell was by far the funniest and most creative followed by Rob ( I forget his last name )

Ralphy\'s face when they announced the winner. Dude, he was hocked.
C) Who produced that show? Damn. You announce the winner and bam, show\'s over. No reaction what so ever. That was a huge HUGE upset and they just went to credits.
D) If they ever do this show again (And I hope they do because it was pretty descent) do you think they will let the public vote again? I really think public voting is a crap shoot. Especially when you are only allowing the public to vote one time. Not like AMerican Idol where they vote over the course of 3 months.
ANyway, probably only theomen and I watched the show so I may as well just PM him...