The moviegoing experience CAN be great, or it can suck. It doesn\'t always suck; you just have to use caution about what theaters you select and which showings. For example, I am very hesitant to see any film rated lower than PG13 anymore because I can\'t stand all the kidlets running around asking mommy questions, screaming, etc.
Remember that at it\'s best, 35mm projection is still much much better than 480p, and audio reproduction is usually much better than my home theater setup. Oh for the days when some films were still released in 70mm. Do any of you remember that at all? The studios used to release genuine wide market productions on 70mm, instead of just the wildlife films and space films you see now in IMAX theaters.
The corporations have torn down or redeveloped almost all the traditional theaters that had the capability of projecting 70mm, so it\'s almost entirely a thing of the past.