1) If you had a million dollars, what would you do?
~Put it towards the college tuition of myself and my sisters. Anything left over to my mom.
2) If you could go out with one celebrity, which one would you chose?
~Besides Ryu? Crown Prince Guillaume of Luxembourg
3) If you could hit one celebrity with a 2 by 4, which one would you chose?
~Jennifer Love Hewitt
4) What kinds of books are you interested in?
~Drama, fictional history, few sci-fi, fairy tales. Some things by Michael Crichton, Orson Scott Card, and Amy Tan
5) What sports did you play in High School?
~Sports? There were sports in HS? hehehe

6) What clubs were you in in high school?
~Drama club, French club, Key club (only for a couple days each).
7) Do any of your friends from school post on these boards?
~Ryu and kenshin
8) If you could be a girl for one day, what would you do?
~Um...I\'d do the things that I would normally do every day.

9) If you could be a girl for one month, what would you do?
~Same from #8
10) If you had the choice of donating 1000 dollars to help a child or fund an animal shelter, which one would you chose?
~The animal shelter. At least I\'d be funding something that saves many lives while everyone who posted before me can help that single child. (That kid would be rich because of you people!)
11) If you directed a movie, what kind of movie would it be?
~Documentary, I guess. I\'ve watched so many as I was growing up and now that I think I know the format.
12) What smily on this board is your favorite?
13) What smily that is not on this board is your favorite (like from another site)?
~Too many to put here.

14) What online picture is your favorite?
~Too many to post.
15) What car would you like to own one day?
~Anything that works without having me take it to the shop too many times.
16) House or apartment?
17) Band geek? Book smart?
~Book smart
18) What other message boards do you post at besides here?
Bolt and
Royal Blue19) Beside the country you live in, what other countries would you like to live in?
~England, Scotland, Ireland, Australia, Japan, Hong Kong, Denmark, Italy, and Greece.
20) How many TVs are in your house? Phones?
~TV\'s= 3, Phones=6
21) How many windows do you currently have on your taskbar?
22) What time is it where you are?
23) Finally, who is your best friend on the boards?
~Ryu of course!
EDIT: Let me add one.
24) If you could be any bug, what would it be?