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Originally posted by GmanJoe We are all important, equally. One no more than the other. And because of that, we should respect our selves and respect others for who they are. Conversely, by envying each other, we end up hating each other.
Originally posted by videoholic Yeah right....That\'s what the lesser important like to say to make themselves feel more important.It\'s alright GMan... Not everyone can be important.. It\'s alright.. We still think you\'re alright. And don\'t forget, you always have Sirmystiq, Racer, and Freestylah to rag on.
Originally posted by Samwise You mean the webcam commercial girl?
Originally posted by videoholic I do wish I knew more about cars. Although I have to say I have learned a hell of a lot in the past 4 years.But then again, they don\'t know shit about producing a TV Show.Guess what brings in more money? Fixing cars, or the TV show?