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Author Topic: Tony Blair and new labour ripping itself apart.. why I must be in Heaven  (Read 749 times)

Offline ooseven
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You can\'t buy entertainment like this, Ace you had better book a 1st class flight over something tell me that your Best Bud Tony will need a shoulder to cry on.  


Hoon may be Hutton \'sacrificial lamb\'
Defence Secretary Geoff Hoon may have to resign as a result of the Hutton Inquiry, a Labour MP on the Foreign Affairs Select Committee has said.
Fabian Hamilton told the BBC there may have to be resignations within the government once the findings of Lord Hutton\'s inquiry into the death of Dr David Kelly are published.
Mr Hoon and Prime Minister Tony Blair are set to give evidence later this week about how the weapons expert was named as the source for a BBC story that a government dossier about Iraqi weapons was "sexed up".
Mr Hoon, who is due to give evidence on Wednesday, has borne the brunt of criticism for the emergence of Dr Kelly\'s name.
Mr Hamilton said he could be forced to be a "sacrificial lamb".

Hoon link


Dossier \'failed to show Iraq threat\'
Tony Blair\'s most senior aide told intelligence chiefs their draft dossier failed to demonstrate "an imminent threat" from Iraq, the Hutton inquiry has heard.
The comment, in an e-mail from Downing Street chief of staff Jonathan Powell, was written just one week before the controversial dossier on Iraqi weapons was published on 24 September last year.
Mr Powell wrote that the dossier "does not demonstrate he (Saddam Hussein) has the motive to attack his neighbours, let alone the West".
The e-mail was sent to senior figures including chairman of the Joint Intelligence Committee, John Scarlett, Mr Blair\'s communications chief Alastair Campbell and the then foreign affairs adviser Sir David Manning.


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More to follow.

:laughing: :laughing: Tony Blair is going down :laughing: :laughing:
“If you’re talking about sheep or goats, there could be some issues,” [/color]

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Tony Blair and new labour ripping itself apart.. why I must be in Heaven
« Reply #1 on: August 25, 2003, 05:59:27 AM »
This is all mainly politics about Iraq. But looking at the big picture, would you rather have the Tories(SPELLING@!) manage The British Economy again? I know they got things back on track in the 80\'s, but is their economic policy what you need in this environment??!??!@!#! I BETCHA DIDNT THINK OF THAT DIDJA!! HA!

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Tony Blair and new labour ripping itself apart.. why I must be in Heaven
« Reply #2 on: August 25, 2003, 01:03:32 PM »
"sexed up"

Think for yourself. Question authority.


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