I\'ve just watched 14 movies over the past four days. I\'ll give a small review of each \'major\' movie for those of you who might not have seem them yet. Keep in mind that I\'m reviewing these movies according to their entertainment factor, not according to whether or not they\'re masterpieces.
Bad Boys II - fun action. Definatly worth seeing if you like the genre. [5/6]
Pirates of the Caribbean - pretty cool. A bit hampered by the PG13 rating though. [4/6]
Finding Nemo - I was pleasently surprised by this animation movie. It\'s cute and funny. Worth seeing, even if you think it\'s a children\'s movie. [5/6]
American Pie III: American Wedding - more of the same. Which is a good thing if you liked the first ones. Pretty funny in that perspective. [3+/6] (if you\'re a fan add a star or two)
Down with Love - a bit special. If you like quirky humor, the 60\'ies and clever (?) references to sex, then you might enjoy this one. [3/6]
Seabiscuit - Enjoyable, if a bit predictable. Better than I expected. [4/6]
My life without me - don\'t quite know what to think of this one. Worth checking out if you\'re in the mood for something a little bit different. [3/6]
Dirty Pretty Things - good movie. Not so mainstream. And it has Audrey Tautou in it! [4+/6]
Thirteen - hmm. "Kids" with 13 year old girls. [2/6]
S.W.A.T - bleh. Action and not very good action. [2/6]
The rest of the movies I saw were Danish and therefore not included here. Oh, and I missed Matchstick Men unfortunatly so can\'t review it here.