mm, you\'re a retard. I cannot believe you like movies at all. BTW, what warrents your elitist movie attitude? Working in a video store? :rolleyes:
Bobs_hardware: You might have seen the "disclaimer" I did in the beginning. I knew most people here aren\'t that \'hot\' about movies and I
am infact capable of enjoying a popcorn flick for what it is (unlike certain people *cough* mm *cough*). That\'s why I said that I was reviewing them for their entertainment factor. If I had to do a critical review most of those movies wouldn\'t get a high score. Does that mean I did not have a good time? No.
Coredweller: Yes, there is in fact a Danish movie industry. And it\'s one I want to break into.

Danish films started getting \'back on track\' in the early nineties. But since Dogme 95 (in 1995

) things have taken off. The Celebration ("Festen") was the first dogme movie and it was a tremendous success (relatively speaking of course). I can give you the heads up on some titles if you\'d like to check them out.
Oh, and one of the Danish movies I saw there was Reconstruction. It won the Camera d\'Or in Cannes.