She doesn\'t need to do anything. It\'s not like she\'s broke like Michael Jackson and needs another mega-selling album. We\'re arguing about two different things.
Yes, she\'s a has been. I won\'t argue that. But I don\'t think she\'s really trying to regain her popularity like in the 80\'s and early 90s. She\'s knows this. That\'s why she can afford to do stupid media stunts like last night.
The other two, Brit and Christina (now she can sing - not your style but you know she has the voice talent) they\'re going in two different directions. Brit is waning and she\'s not even 5 years into her popularity. Christina is more consistent in her rise.
BTW....I\'m no fan of either one. Although "I Am Beautiful" is a good song......IMO.
Now I must cleanse myself with old hits from America (the guitar strumming 70\'s group in case you laddies have no clue), Kansas and other guitar picking groups.
Yeah....I\'m in the mood for acoustics today.